berserk chapter 184



does anyone still have this chapter? i was no where near a computer for over a month and i've seemed to have missed it. thanks.
I've got it... but do you have a mail account that can handle the load I will send to it? ;)

But seriously, I have it, can send it, but to where?
But... how much can your inbox accept? They take a bit of room, so make sure to have enough space. I'll send it when I get home this evenong... your morning if you live in the us ;D
my hotmail is comletely empty so it should be able to take it. if not i'll send you an email with other options. thanks again.
Couldn't send it all in one go :( your account wouldn't accept it...

But I'm splitting it in several mails... so if you downlad and empty you'll have them all soon... ;D
Couldn't do that either >:( >:( >:(

only get this message:----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation)
Okay! Has sent up to page 12, then your mailbox seems full, cant send more.

Will do so later... when it has been emptied, okay?
...hey Fishbomb, if you have time, can you send the 184 to this friend of mine who was looking for it very much?

his mail is:


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I could, but as I found out most mail accounts can't handle so much... :(

How much storage space does he have available? And how large mails can he recieve?

Hotmail was a bitch to send to *growls*, it almost never worked, so we resorted to ftp instead...

He don't have somewhere I can upload it instead? It'd be a hell of a lot easier...
...uhm...don't know...I'll ask to my friend (she is a girl!!!), and I'll let you know soon, ok?

