I'm not sure how many of you might catch on to these things, or even care for stuff like this, but I'll post it here anyway. Whenever I play games, I can't help but try and find ways to increase my options through skills (damn cheat code devices nowadays
). Similar to tech as in the original Ninja Ryukenden (aka Ninja Gaiden) of instant slashing or just frame wall jumping, or hell even just glitches of falling through the walls when moving towards the right. . . but that's a different story.
Anyway, back to the point. In Castlevania I came up with a few quicker ways of doing stuff. (Hopfully some item doesn't give you 'no lag time slash ability' or something and I'm just bothering you guys with useless info).
1. When you can double jump, you also have the ability to do the dive kick, but you have a slight recovery time on landing. If you have the "Flying Armor" soul equipped, just hold it for a second while you're in the double jump as you dive kick, and you can let go as soon as the animation starts (it's not even a noticeable amount of MP Usage at all) so when you land, you can instantly move on without any landing frames or do another double jump into dive kick succession using the same tech to move down longer hallways a bit quicker. Usesless? Maybe. . . .Be nice
2. This one may be more useful for you guys/girls. I've only tested this with the "Knuckle" & "Katana" types at the moment. If you have a Katana weapon equipped I'm sure you can't help but notice the lag time you get while you're standing there swinging or jumping and swinging. You can get a super fast double slash out (works best against grounded enemies, of course) by just barely tapping the jump button so you hop off the ground and on your brief falling frame animation press the attack button just as you're about to touch the ground, releasing your air slash. As soon as Soma lands, he returns to neutral frame animation which means you can slash instantly again. Double slash = Always good. Or, if you're fighting a "bigger baddy", you don't have to do the double slash. You can just use the same tech over and over again for quick slashes in succession. Barely jump, wait for fall animation, tap attack before grounding, anticipate the quick landing, barely jump again - wash, rinse, repeat. This doesn't work as well for Knuckles, but the first tech of jumping in for the double punch is still quicker, though barely noticeable, and besides it works well for a : jump in double punch into punch sequence combo. Who knows, maybe that extra milisecond saved you?
Unfortunately, goofing off and having lots of work has left me at only 34% completion so far. I envy you guys for having beaten it (Aaz) or gotten far (Handsome Rak).
I've been trying to find a way for the Two-Handed swords to swing quicker. Well, hope that helped some or at least interested you. If now?