Dark Souls II

Yes I agree 100%. You're right that the bosses are definitely not impossible, just as the Lost Sinner wasn't before the nerf. However I want to clarify at least that my earlier report of DLC boss nerfing was just speculation among the rank and file members of a gamefaqs message board, and shouldn't be taken as fact. The Lost Sinner nerf is just a cautionary tale of what may lie in store for the DLC down the road.

Edit On a lighter note, 2 amusing multiplayer vids
Griefing Blue Phantoms with rubbish items near cliff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goyZlNXQpVk
Greifing Hosts praise the sun life drain hex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFG07ppe5w8
Well I hope they decide to nerf
Elana, Squalid Queen
, because she is cheap as all hell. And I think it's once again a case of the DSII devs mistaking challenging for artificial difficulty. If the battle was against her alone, it would represent a reasonable test. I'm currently playing in NG+ and her damage output is strong enough that she can one-hit me if I'm not at full health and make one false move. But having her summon
skeleton minions
and goddamn
is ridiculous!
Can't say I agree with you. I'm not sure what play style you are using, but I believe she would be unbelievably easy if the changes you made were suggested. I played on NG++ and when I beat her, the only times she might hit me was during one of her summons
(but not the little piglets from Majula summon, that one was laugh out loud ridiculous first time I saw it.)

I think "artificial difficulty" is one of those terms that get slung around whenever people don't like being challenged at something. I for one am grateful and appreciative of the challenge she brings, seeing as so much of DSII felt void of that challenge, but I also understand that not everyone enjoys being challenged by the same things, or enjoys the same degree of challenge if a particular part doesn't hold any intrinsic enjoyment for them.
Look at Ornstein & Smough from the first game. That was a deeply challenging yet equally rewarding example of a boss battle. The DSII devs, for the most part, don't appear to understand how to create that kind of dynamic. Hence why they just resort to bosses summoning other bosses.
Don't ruin the surprise, Doc!
I agree with you on the boss battles being subpar. Most are pretty basic and Elana wasn't particularly fulfilling after I buried my sword in her for the last time. Still, I didn't find her that difficult. My first attempt was solo and I managed to get her down to a sliver of health before the skeletons got the better of me. In fact, I'd almost say it's better when she summons Velstadt at least then it was only 2v1 (of course I was using a straight sword build so my DPS wasn't fantastic. Killing the skeletons was much more difficult because it took several attacks to drop one). Still, I don't think she needs to be nerfed. Especially since there are a couple NPC phantoms you can bring along to divert attention

In fact, none of the DkS2 bosses felt like they took a lot of skill to beat, unlike a lot of DkS1 bosses. Then again, that game is awfully rosie when I think about it. To me, DkS2 is more about DPSing the bosses, and DkS1 was about implementing or utilizing some basic strategy and then DPSing the boss (such as splitting up O&S to deal with one or the other). Of course both games suffer from over use of the Hug-the-legs-and-circle-strafe-to-the-right strategy.

Jaze1618 said:
Edit On a lighter note, 2 amusing multiplayer vids
Griefing Blue Phantoms with rubbish items near cliff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goyZlNXQpVk
Greifing Hosts praise the sun life drain hex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFG07ppe5w8

Griefing and trolling in this game is both hilarious and terrible. I personally love all the videos surfacing of baiting phantoms with items and using a greatbow to send them over a cliff/bridge. If it happened to me, I'd have to laugh. It's a clever ruse.

Lifedrain Patch is just mean :sad:
Delta Phi said:
Don't ruin the surprise, Doc!
I agree with you on the boss battles being subpar. Most are pretty basic and Elana wasn't particularly fulfilling after I buried my sword in her for the last time. Still, I didn't find her that difficult. My first attempt was solo and I managed to get her down to a sliver of health before the skeletons got the better of me. In fact, I'd almost say it's better when she summons Velstadt at least then it was only 2v1 (of course I was using a straight sword build so my DPS wasn't fantastic. Killing the skeletons was much more difficult because it took several attacks to drop one). Still, I don't think she needs to be nerfed. Especially since there are a couple NPC phantoms you can bring along to divert attention

I'm honestly not fighting that boss again until they patch her. I know that 'artificial difficulty' is a term too loosely bandied about when it comes to the Souls games but on this occasion I find it to be apt. I'm just going to assume that your character's incredibly OP that you could take her down with minimal fuss. I usually wade in, double-handing my Defender Greatsword and knock off about 20-25% of her health until she
summons back-up.... generally Velstadt
, at which point the battle's a formality. It's next to impossible to focus on one without the other getting the drop on you. And the same goes for the
For the record, I would like to say that I didn't intend to come off as if I took her down with minimal fuss, but that it would be too easy to dodge her 100% of the time (with patience), if she didn't have her summons. AND if she didn't have her summons you could take quite a few hits (with healing in between) and still end up beating her with without anymore effort that what is required in the main game.
Doc said:
I'm honestly not fighting that boss again until they patch her. I know that 'artificial difficulty' is a term too loosely bandied about when it comes to the Souls games but on this occasion I find it to be apt. I'm just going to assume that your character's incredibly OP that you could take her down with minimal fuss.

It definitely took me 3 or 4 attempts to beat her. As for OP? No, I wish. I was running a Faith/Str lightning Drakekeeper sword build at around lvl 120.
Just wanted to say that after playing the NEW Crown of the old iron king DLC for the past two weeks, it's also really good and, at the same time, different than the first DLC.

This one felt pretty cheap early on with the types of enemy mobs they throw at you, but I eventually learned and adapted. I felt like the Bosses were slightly easier in this one, but I really had a hard time with
in the first DLC for some reason.

Both DLC's have definitely been better than just about any area in the main game. Get em while the multiplayer is still plentiful, these areas a certainly challenging enough, that its a real benefit to go through then and some of the bosses as a summon the first couple of times.
I bought the season pass for the DLCs, but haven't had a chance to play more than an hour of the first one so far. :judo:
Anyone enjoying Crown of the Ivory King so far? I've been busy with an overdue work project, so I haven't been able to play yet myself. I assume its at least as good as the first two installments, which were already among the best (if not the best) areas of the game.
Love it. The outskirts are pretty sick and very annoying. I'm a fan of winter so I'm all over it. Main boss feels like straight out of lord of the rings and elder scrolls oblivion. Coolest boss fight entrance of the game imo.
It looked really cool, but I haven't touched it. I bought a PS4 the day it came out, and haven't touched my 360 since then. Never even bought the 3rd DLC so I don't feel bad about it. Maybe if a PS4 port (with all the additional content) is made and the price is right I'll consider playing through everything again.
Delta phi, my problem has been the opposite, lol. I bought ps4 day one but dark souls, southpark, and a few older titles held me back, but my wife has been eating up the upgraded ports on ps4.
Jaze1618 said:
Dark Souls 2 DLC may be the peak of the whole series

This sounds utterly crazy to me given my experience in DS2 compared to DS1. Now I have to play it to be sure...
I agree with dark 2 surpassing 1. I got platinum for all 3 games and idk why, but on my 5th playthrough it just seems better for some reason. Demons, dark 2, then 1 for me. The dlc helped for sure.
bandofthehawk (Salem) said:
I got platinum for all 3 games and idk why, but on my 5th playthrough it just seems better for some reason.

Now THAT sound utterly crazy to me. But yes, all hail the DLC, and if you want a real challenge, play it on NG+ or higher.
Dark Souls II FPS mod.


Can you imagine playing the game this way? :ganishka:
Aazealh said:

Haha, wow you're right. The lineage didn't cross my mind when looking at the video. Surprising it didn't get a mention in the RPS article. Those guys are usually savvy about that stuff.
Walter said:
Haha, wow you're right. The lineage didn't cross my mind when looking at the video. Surprising it didn't get a mention in the RPS article. Those guys are usually savvy about that stuff.

Amateurs. :badbone: