Dark Souls II

Man,that torch will get me killed a lot :D . It's either sacrifice your shield or 2nd wep in order to see or still die in darkness.
Lukis said:
Man,that torch will get me killed a lot :D . It's either sacrifice your shield or 2nd wep in order to see or still die in darkness.
There will likely be multiple ways to have light in the darkness. The torch may just be an early one.
Here's a video Berserk fans should be able to appreciate :guts: From Software paid some actual blacksmith to forge the game's armor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0_AwGw5Tqo
Dark Souls 2 Beta sign up! You know you want it.

Quite a bit of Dark Souls 2 news came out today. First off: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-09-19-dark-souls-2-out-on-march-14-pc-version-to-follow


:ganishka:... :daiba:

The two dates reflect the launch of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game, with PC release to come “shortly after the console versions.”

Secondly: http://www.usgamer.net/articles/tgs-dying-sucks-more-than-ever-in-dark-souls-ii

, if you re-die repeatedly in an undead state, your character's maximum health will steadily degrade. "You thought that griffin was slaughtering you quickly while you were at full health," From is sneering. "Try it with half as many hit points, sucker."

Also -- and this news freaked out some of the Dark Souls fanatics in attendance at our Tokyo Game Show demo session yesterday -- undead games can now be invaded by other players. So it's just as disadvantageous as playing the normal style adventure, except now you'll potentially have less health. Have fun!
Sounds... delicious! :ubik:
Oh jeez ,that reminds me of Lineage 2 ,where you got death penalty and I got that a lot after started playing with big boys and raiding. Seems like it's shaping fantastic so far.
Jaze1618 said:
Epicnamebro Dark Souls II Beta impressions:

I always appreciate this guy's dedication and insight to the series, but god his sense of humor and "jokes" are extremely grating.

10 Minutes of footage from the TGS demo: http://www.gamersyde.com/stream_dark_souls_ii_tgs_showfloor_gameplay-30825_en.html

A few things, it's quite clear now that the backstabbing is no longer a "lock-on" mechanic. It's a set animation, but it no longer snaps on to the correct track. I've also read, though it's not evident in the demo, that you are vulnerable during that backstab animation. The rolling also appears to be much more fluid. These sound like small things, but it completely changes the way you evade attacks.
Some major spoilers floating around right now. Some people have hacked the beta to uncover all item and miracle/sorcery names and descriptions. Unsure if it includes the full game's items or just those in the beta. Beware. :magni:
Did not get into the beta so watched the Epicnamebro beta impressions and it sounds very nice, I can't wait now. Can be invaded at anytime and you slowly lose your overall health the more you die hehe. This is going to be fun.

I am trying to avoid as many playthrough videoes and spoilers. Don't want to ruin anything now, my first playthrough has to be on my own or with non spoiled friends :serpico:
Proj2501 said:
Got access to the 3 hour network test for DS2. Anyone else from here participating?
Yep, I'll be playing tomorrow. I was ready to do it during the last network test but it messed up for NA sadly. Hopefully this one goes smoother.


Played the beta and had a good deal of fun. I'm sad that it was so short though! I can't wait til March now. Enemies are a lot smarter now in how they hit you. If something does a running attack at you, he's not going to hit at nothing and then just sit there, he'll run until he's right at you and then hit, leaving a much smaller window to dodge. Enemies do combo attacks now and dodge at the end of them so you can't just take advantage of them petering out and sitting there for a second. A nice surprise came during the last 30 min where they said they were testing HARD MODE. It seems there will either be difficulty settings, they were testing NG+ style enemies, or they'll have similar things to Demon's Souls where the world is affected by some events that can make enemies much harder or easier.
Dar Klink, did you encounter both bosses and were you able to defeat them?
I won't get into specifics for those who want to be surprised. One boss was very familiar. The other, merry go round, was a piece of cake. I had no issues summoning, being summoned and being invaded. Such a blast killing 3/4 of my invaders. The combat is still very much there. I played the majority of the time and a temple knight and dabbled with a magician. Close quarters combat is way more fun then ranging it. Upgraded to level 42 real fast helping others and dumped almost everything into Vitality and Strength. Even during HARD mode, I was almost one shotting the red phantoms with whips in the valley. There's a feeling to this game that for some reason reminds me of Demon's Souls. The ambience of this one level... I'm not sure. This was my second time playing, the first was at comic con for a few minutes. Spending 3 hours of uninterrupted play was really wonderful. I was worried from the outset but so far so good. Graphically, eh, I hope it's slightly better. The cutscenes were showing their age. I doubt it'll be worlds better, but I'm hoping its slightly improved. Lastly, I'm hoping the HARD mode was Ng+ testing or just them trying to find a middle ground. Let me just say, HARD mode was not bad at all. Though, I dumped over 400 hours into the Souls series, so I think I know how things work. Cannot wait to get my hands on the final build
Which reminds me, I'm going to have to insist that people use spoiler tags when discussing any specifics of the game from here on out. Thanks!
So, what's everyone's plan for buying DS2? The console versions will come out first, with the PC version projected to come out a month later. That sucks for those of us who like to play a game like this with blinders on, but I sincerely doubt I'm going to get a PS3 just for this game.
I'll get it on PS3 when it first comes out and then PC later. It won't be too bad if you get a PS3 now Walter, they're not too expensive and you can play Demon's Souls on it. MGS4 too if you still have any interest in that. Also, Last Guar- HAHAHAHAHA :sad:
Dar Klink said:
It won't be too bad if you get a PS3 now Walter, they're not too expensive and you can play Demon's Souls on it.
Believe me, I have been pricing them on eBay and Craigslist for the past year, since I became utterly obcessed with Dark Souls. Still waiting for a solid, sub $100 deal. :daiba:

Even if I get one for Demon's Souls, I really want the PC version of DS2. Dark Souls looks fantastic with the DSfix mod running at 1080p. Of course, this is the kind of game that I'd pay twice for without hesitation. It has its hooks in me so deep... I'm essentially Hollowed.
I'm planing on getting it for the 360. What really sucks is that the game comes out during the middle of my first semester of grad school, so I'm really going to need to put school on hold for Dark Souls.

Walter said:
It has its hooks in me so deep... I'm essentially Hollowed.

This game is like crack.
Would like to play it on PC, but will ultimately play it on the PS3. Walter, you owe it to yourself to play Demon's Souls man. I began playing it last week just for fun, it's totally harder than Dark Souls. At least, I think so.