Dark Souls

Walter said:
Getting his tail is much, much harder than taking him down. I tried doing it a number of times before looking up the stats on the weapon that drops and seeing it wasn't worth it for my build, gave up.

I gave up as well, its really hard to score hits on his tail. I was trying with halberds, black knight greatsword, doing vertical swoops, but didn't manage to get his tail once , I tried maybe 20 - 30 times before I gave up and killed the bastard. Still, interesting boss
If you can summon it makes it much easier. I got lucky and found someone to summon and we managed to cut if off, shortly there after the phantom got wrecked and I had to solo something like 70% of his health. That was also the first time I beat him. He has a couple rare attacks that I never managed to learn how to bait, but they leave his tail open for attack.

If you have to solo, it's a painstaking process and you'll be at it for a long time, but you'll get it just as long as you play it safe.
I believe you can bait a tail slap attack from him by standing directly behind him after he dashes at you. That will make his tail vulnerable to melee for 4 to 5 seconds. He almost never does that attack, which it's the real problem. But it should be pretty deterministic if you stand directly behind him after his dash attack.

Search on YouTube and I bet you will find a video that shows it well.
resurrecting this thread!

This year has seen my first real playthrough of the game. I'm currently on NG+, farming Souvenirs of Reprisal, as I'm trying to get all weapons, miracles, sorceries. I fear having to face Seethe again, I HATE getting cursed. I'm hoping that tanking all of his curses is still an option on NG+, because focusing on curse resist last 'run' was the only strategy that was successful for me.

I regrettably had to kill babe Priscilla for a second time because I didn't get her tail in the previous run :sad: I am really looking forward to tackling the DLC again, I played through the entire thing except for the last boss. I was wanting to do the final DLC boss after the boss in the main game but because of its ending it went right into NG+ and I couldn't.

I can't shake how epic this entire game is, and how iconic all of the characters, enemies, and the setting is. I get the impression there won't be another game like this in the series (I've only played Demon's Souls and Dark Souls; the former I like even more than this one). I like this game so much that I almost feel like playing a third run, even after getting the platinum trophy.
I'd also recommend Dark Souls III if you get tired of replaying NG+; unlike DS2 it's a true sequel and very much a love letter to the original Dark Souls, and I'm told Demon's Souls as well.

As for DS1 I had issues with NG+ because I used a fully upgraded Divine Claymore in my initial run and it was just too weak against most NG+ bosses for my taste. But then upgrading weapons to +10 can be a pain in the ass so I didn't want to be screwing around experimenting to find what I liked, so I just tried the Black Knight weapons and they're ridiculously powerful and relatively easy to upgrade to their +5 max with twinkling titanite. The axe does crazy damage, but halberd isn't far behind and is much faster with an better moveset. I think I read later it's possibly the best weapon in the game (and technically you can get it from a random drop in the first 10 minutes).

As for Seath, if I recall the Paladon armor should still work... or you can just cheese him to death with arrows. =)
ThePiedPiper said:
I can't shake how epic this entire game is, and how iconic all of the characters, enemies, and the setting is. I get the impression there won't be another game like this in the series (I've only played Demon's Souls and Dark Souls; the former I like even more than this one). I like this game so much that I almost feel like playing a third run, even after getting the platinum trophy.

I played Demon's Souls years after Dark Souls and was surprised with how much I loved it. Ended up being one of my favorite games of all time. But yeah, try DS2 and DS3 out, they're both inferior to the original, but worth giving a shot if you've got the time. I actually thought DS2 was okay, and played through it a bunch of times, but really didn't like 3.
Eluvei said:
I played Demon's Souls years after Dark Souls and was surprised with how much I loved it. Ended up being one of my favorite games of all time.


Eluvei said:
But yeah, try DS2 and DS3 out, they're both inferior to the original, but worth giving a shot if you've got the time. I actually thought DS2 was okay, and played through it a bunch of times, but really didn't like 3.

Interesting, DS2 was my first and I have a real love/hate relationship with it to this day; I want to love it and always end up sort of hating it. DS1 was an on again/off again experience until I finally found my groove and then it was really ON, just an all-time classic that lives up to the legend. That enthusiasm carried over to DS3 for me in a big way and I played the hell of it from every angle, numerous NG+'s, all the DLC, even elements I usually rather avoid like the various forms of multiplayer were embraced. Though, as definitive as it tries to be I realize it's ultimately just as derivative. And strangely, I've put the most time into 2 (over 200 hours between the original and SOTFS) even though it's my least favorite, the one I'm least adept at, and I've yet to complete its final DLC or try its more comprehensive and intriguing NG+. I guess that's why it's the one I still fire up every once in a while; unfinished business, and I'm still looking for something I think is there but haven't quite found. I never quite mastered it and never quite figured out if it was worth it.
It's a shame they couldn't do something more different and remaster Demon's Souls. I played so much of the first Dark Souls, I don't know if I want to buy this remaster unless they drop some crazy add-on content.
I want to buy this remaster unless they drop some crazy add-on content.

No added content unfortunately, just graphics and multiplayer increased to 6 players, instead of 4.
They could use assets of other DS games, add cut-content, stuff like that. Otherwise I'm not buying it either. At least they won't ruin combat by turning off poise (DS III).
Menosgade said:
No added content unfortunately, just graphics and multiplayer increased to 6 players, instead of 4.

Whoa, enemies are going to be facerolled like hasn't been seen since the original DSII multiplayer massacres. :ganishka:

Menosgade said:
They could use assets of other DS games, add cut-content, stuff like that. Otherwise I'm not buying it either.

Yeah, I doubt it, though something would be cool and I think is called for. Otherwise, the only motive for getting this is if you just want to replay it anyway and can grab this "enhanced edition" cheap. Bring it full circle somehow, From Soft (like that Age of Ancients/War with the Everlasting Dragons DLC idea I gave you and you ignored at your own expense =). Or just tie it in with Demon's Souls and let you fight The Old One finally. I don't think "The Old One" is copyright protect-able.

Menosgade said:
At least they won't ruin combat by turning off poise (DS III).

Whoa, that takes me back, "It's working as intended" (if you bring up the ME3 ending fracas I'll be in total flashback mode). Is this still a thing though? I thought it was determined that it was made contextual and tied to the effectiveness of hyper armor moves? It never bothered me much because I've basically become a lightweight roller unconcerned with poise anyway. I quite enjoyed the combat in DS3 overall, vE and vP alike.
Griffith said:
Whoa, enemies are going to be facerolled like hasn't been seen since the original DSII multiplayer massacres. :ganishka:

Heh, I remember guiding people through Oolacile and the Abyss wearing my Paladin armour. I'd boldly fight off invaders (Greatswords and greatshields, because no less is good enough) cast mirales and cast light when in darkness. It was an honourable duty.

Griffith said:
Whoa, that takes me back, "It's working as intended" (if you bring up the ME3 ending fracas I'll be in total flashback mode). Is this still a thing though? I thought it was determined that it was made contextual and tied to the effectiveness of hyper armor moves? It never bothered me much because I've basically become a lightweight roller unconcerned with poise anyway. I quite enjoyed the combat in DS3 overall, vE and vP alike.

As far as I know, they didn't change it. "Hyper armour" is a half-assed Poise substitute as I see it, and the Poise stat itself does absolutely nothing (RIP Wolf Ring). Never bought DSIII because didn't get along with this combat, playing in my friend's and watching on Youtube. I couldn't accept it for PVP, especially since I favor heavier builds. Armour itself seems negligible in DSIII. It's sad. And this leads us to a big problem.

Big Dad is impossible without armour and poise...
Menosgade said:
Never bought DSIII because didn't get along with this combat, playing in my friend's and watching on Youtube. I couldn't accept it for PVP, especially since I favor heavier builds. Armour itself seems negligible in DSIII. It's sad. And this leads us to a big problem.

Big Dad is impossible without armour and poise...

Boo! Pick it up for cheap now dude, it's totally worth it and you can't give it a fair shake at a friend's or watching youtube. Armor isn't negligible either, it's just presented and managed in a simpler, more natural way; mix and match your best gear to keep your defenses between 20-30% reduction, DON'T waste time grinding and farming for truly negligible armor upgrades when you're just going to find something better anyway and start the process again. More fun for me anyway, YMMV for heavier builds where taking some hits is part of the plan. I never had success with that in Souls though (I just died slower =), and figured the heavy setters that were good at it would probably be even better without it.

Anyway, I don't know if I had success with DS3 combat because I liked it or liked it because I had success, but it always felt good and I could effectively fend off even multiple invaders or at least give them a hard time.
How to reach Anor Londo in under 10 minutes!


Videos like this always make me feel like a scrub. :sad:
The first 5 minutes of that run was very familiar to me :guts: But wow at 6:30 that's a very strange clipping error that I've never seen, allowing them to get to Sen's Fortress early. After that, the rest was obvious.
I just like that you're familiar enough with the game to already know the beginning and end of this run and are surprised you haven't seen that particular clipping error. =) i do enjoy watching things like DS2 runs where they beat the game in like 18 minutes by jumping through and running across the entire game world from the inside.

As for my Remastered play, I'm pretty much at it's end and have been but still want to go to the Painted World before Gwyn. Overall Remastered has been pretty disappointing because to ke it just highlights the ways the game has aged rather than revitalizing it. It was nice to jump back in and do some stuff I never tried previously (first time teaming up with Kaathe! =) and experiencing the game with a more lively player base but I think I'll be done with it after this run. I may return to Demon's Souls NG+ though.
Walter said:
that's a very strange clipping error that I've never seen, allowing them to get to Sen's Fortress early.

The original version of the game was full of those and many still remain. You can pretty much just fly through walls and map sections if you know what you're doing.
Sekiro looks damn good. Would it make more sense to merge this with the Ni-Oh thread though? :troll:
Walter said:
Sekiro looks damn good. Would it make more sense to merge this with the Ni-Oh thread though? :troll:

Haha, I hesitated between this and the Bloodborne thread actually, because the gameplay looks like it's even more dynamic than Bloodborne's (a good thing if you ask me). But yeah, they must have been pissed when Ni-Oh was announced, it kinda stole their thunder. I've yet to play it, so maybe I'll do them back to back to compare. :iva:
Gameplay is looking great and I'm really looking forward to it. But I completely don't dig the atmosphere. Maybe I'll change my mind after new footage of game.
Aazealh said:
Here's the trailer for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the new From Software game:


No joke, earlier today before I saw that you had kindly sent me the trailer link I'd already locally ordered an E3 discounted PS4 to play Bloodborne tonight and presumably it's follow up next year, and I thought, "But what if it's not Bloodborne 2 or even for PS4, it is just a rumor after all..." :ganishka:

Anyway, so was that PS4 as it turned out because they didn't actually have it available for in-store pickup today, so fuck it, I'm probably canceling that order and Bloodborne will retain #1 contender status on my backlog. Maybe I'll just wait for my brother-in-law to give me his PS4 like I did with the PS3/Demon's Souls. There's gotta be a better way than dropping hundreds of dollars to play one damn game (I'd play lots of others if I got one, but Bloodborne is why I want one at all).

Walter said:
Sekiro looks damn good. Would it make more sense to merge this with the Ni-Oh thread though? :troll:
Aazealh said:
Haha, I hesitated between this and the Bloodborne thread actually, because the gameplay looks like it's even more dynamic than Bloodborne's (a good thing if you ask me). But yeah, they must have been pissed when Ni-Oh was announced, it kinda stole their thunder. I've yet to play it, so maybe I'll do them back to back to compare. :iva:

Yeah, Nioh is a real winner here, this will put it back in the spotlight and they go from looking derivative to the derived from (even though it's more complicated than that both ways). It was already the consensus #1 Soulsborne clone, but now it's practically a naturalized member of the series! :guts: Then again, maybe this isn't so great if they had plans for Nioh 2 in the not too distant future. Anyway, I agree Sekiro looks great, I'm happy that it looks to retain the Souls-like combat but the overall action looks to have more dynamics and variety with sneaking, a hookshot, etc. Made me think of MGSV crossed with Souls, which would be fine with me! The most interesting wrinkle though was the whole "you won't die easily" :ganishka: twist and how they'll incorporate that. Something akin to the death mechanic in Braid? Will you literally die twice? Whatever it is it was a neat switch to see you as the ressurecting "monster" and it'll either be a very cool mechanic or a very underwhelming non-factor and more a narrative device. Speaking of which, and also like Nioh, it looks like it has a dedicated protagonist character and plot (wonder what that means for character/weapon customization, if at all), though that could just be an example for the trailer, but I doubt it.

VladimirPutin said:
Gameplay is looking great and I'm really looking forward to it. But I completely don't dig the atmosphere. Maybe I'll change my mind after new footage of game.

Well, if you love Bloodborne's style this is definitely a 180 as far as art direction goes. The thing I like about it besides the bright colors etc is the environments looked a bit more natural, so despite still having giant monsters etc it could also feel a lot more like wandering a real world enviroment than Soulsborne's more fantastical areas.
I know a lot of people are probably disappointed that it's not Bloodborne 2, but frankly, I'm relieved. I loved Bloodborne, but it has the same issue Dark Souls 1 had; it pretty much revealed all there was to the setting. Sure, there are still tons of unanswered questions, but what worked so well about it was the gradual (or, depending on how you played, outright sudden) reveal of
the Lovecraftian elements behind everything
. You can't rehash that plot again, and going all-in with them in future sequels just runs the risk of diluting them and make them not feel as impactful as they're supposed to be.

Though I bet before the year is up, rumors about Bloodborne 2 will begin circulating all over again.

Regardless, I definitely like the looks of this Sekiro so far. Nioh is right around the corner of my backlog, so it'll be interesting to compare them.