Hardest video game you've ever played?

CnC said:
looks fun tho. those guys at valve have yet to disappoint me.

It's from an entirely new team that was recently recruited by Valve though (after the project was already started and well advanced into development, as a school project if my memory serves well). Just FYI. This Portal trailer has been around for a while now but I have to admit it looks very interesting.
Aazealh said:
It's from an entirely new team that was recently recruited by Valve though (after the project was already started and well advanced into development, as a school project if my memory serves well). Just FYI. This Portal trailer has been around for a while now but I have to admit it looks very interesting.

Yea. The idea was from a group who was doing it as a school project (theres a video of what they did out there somewhere). Valve has done a good job polishing it from that point, tho. So we'll see what it looks like.

If memory serves its going to be released around the time that Episode 2 comes out (the end of the year).
CnC said:
Valve has done a good job polishing it from that point, tho.

Well it's still the same people working on it, only now they're hired by Valve.

CnC said:
If memory serves its going to be released around the time that Episode 2 comes out (the end of the year).

Aazealh said:
Well it's still the same people working on it, only now they're hired by Valve.

You sure? I seem to recall them being hired and added to an existant team or something. Not that this really matters tho. As part of Valve they'll be up to a standard of quality that (like I said earlier) has yet to disappoint.
Old school:
As mentioned, Battletoads (there was a the 2nd level bikes that was litterally impossible to finish as 2 players, because of an ingame bug. One of the characters needed to die off) My friend DID finish the game though.
Ninja Gaiden
Castlevania (3 was my favorite)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 (It wasn't impossible, just VERY hard)

Newer games:
R-Type 3 (last boss is impossible)
Pulstar (Impossible)
Lass boss for Voltage Fighter Gowcaiser
Any Splatterhouse game
Scorpio said:
Lots of people mentioned Battletoads, and someone mentioned Double Dragon, but what about Battletoads/Double Dragon for SNES? I know I've had it for years and still cant get past the 3rd level. And dont even try playing it with a friend, one of you will always accidentally punch the other and the whole thing turns into a back and forth battle for vengence. Fun game though.
I know what you mean about the vengeance thing. Although IIRC you can turn off team damage, whenever it's on it's nearly impossible not to kill each other (even by accident, let alone all the purposeful killing that goes on).

However all in all I found it to be not too challenging. The third level is one of the choke points IMO, after that the fifth is kinda hard and everything else IMO is quite easy.

As far as turn based stuff I'm only on chapter 9 of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. However, FE fans claim it's the hardest turn based game to exist besides Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance on Maniac mode (which incidentally is about as available in the USA as Thracia is). IMO it hasn't proven much of a challenge yet but it's already harder than any other FE game I've played (which is every one but FE1 in its original form, FE2, FE8 hard - I got bored to quickly - and maniac mode). I have only had to restart a chapter once so far, but I hope to be resetting the last few chapters 5 to 10 times before finding success (I might be overestimating though).

The hardest game I've ever heard of is Takeshi no chousenjou. Its famous disclaimer states that "This game is made by a man who hates video games" and the final boss supposedly takes 20000 hits to kill (source: http://www.largeprimenumbers.com/article.php?sid=mother2).

Otherwise I've found a number of shooter games to be quite difficult. Right now the hardest I've played is rRootage (it's like the more famous Warning Forever, but FUN), but as I hone my skills I hope to find greater challenges.

Although it's not really that hard, I'll give an honorable mention to the ignored gem Brigandine. You choose a country in a medieval war where human officers lead bands of monsters - usually about 3-5 each though the amount possible differs on the strength of the monsters and the rune power of the officer. It's reasonably difficult playing as some of the countries, though others, like the "main" nation, Alkemia, are extremely easy to achieve victory with.

There's also a "grand edition" with more features, but I've never played it.