Looking for a game


Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.
Hey guys, how are you?

Sorry for the lame topic title, but I thought this thread can be useful for people looking for a specific type of games or for the ones who forgot the name of one they played way back but remember some details that can be useful to search for it, with the help of others.

I'm looking for a Sandbox MMORPG, like Wurm Unlimited.
I don't know much of the genre and didn't play many games of it, but for example, Wurm Unlimited in theory has what I'm looking for, but after playing it for some 30 hours (it is not much for that kind of game) I felt something was lacking. The entire world is built by players, not a single one NPC exists there, and while exploring the land you encounter many towns, camps, cities, farms, ports, castles, all built by players, and that's awesome (you encounter hostile and neutral creatures aswell), but I find the lack of consequences a bit boring. There are servers full PVP, but they become a deathmatch and lacks what the other PVE server have. I play in a server that has both, PVP and PVE, but there is only a zone for PVP and everyone build outside of it. So wherever you have your base, you are safe. And that makes me a bit aimless.

There is a lot more to the game, it is pretty good, you can check it out, but maybe it seems it is not for me.

So, can you recommend me a game like that?
(Sorry my bad english, it's hard to articulate these things)
Unfortunately there aren't that many good true sandbox MMORPGs. There is Albion Online which is probably the closest you can get, but it's cross-platform and kind of simplistic and boring in terms of design because of that.

There's Black Desert Online. It's grind intensive and has a pretty steep learning curve, so if you want to just have fun and sink in large amounts of time it's the go to for that. However, there comes a certain point when you need to invest real money to be even remotely competitive. I played it myself, it's a good game, it has the best combat system in any MMO if you ask me, but if you're the hardcore type of player who doesn't like to be left behind it probably isn't worth it.

EVE Online is F2P if you're into sci-fi and also Ashes of Creation is supposedly and ambitious, upcoming sandbox MMORPG, might wanna keep an eye out for it. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. It's kind of disappointing, I love a good sandbox game as well, but so far haven't found anything that would keep me interested for a long time.
Bleac said:
Unfortunately there aren't that many good true sandbox MMORPGs. There is Albion Online which is probably the closest you can get, but it's cross-platform and kind of simplistic and boring in terms of design because of that.

There's Black Desert Online. It's grind intensive and has a pretty steep learning curve, so if you want to just have fun and sink in large amounts of time it's the go to for that. However, there comes a certain point when you need to invest real money to be even remotely competitive. I played it myself, it's a good game, it has the best combat system in any MMO if you ask me, but if you're the hardcore type of player who doesn't like to be left behind it probably isn't worth it.

EVE Online is F2P if you're into sci-fi and also Ashes of Creation is supposedly and ambitious, upcoming sandbox MMORPG, might wanna keep an eye out for it. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. It's kind of disappointing, I love a good sandbox game as well, but so far haven't found anything that would keep me interested for a long time.

Thanks for your answer, I will check them out and report back. I played EVE Online, but I felt kind of lost and aimless, but I should give it another chance. Thank you!


Alright. Albion Online. I should play it before saying anything, but, watching some videos, it doesn't grab me yet.

Black Desert Online. "Your country has restricted access to our services.". I kinda hate this, this happened before with Combat Arms, South America was banned because many cheaters came from here, at least that's what they said. I don't know if this is the same case. It makes me think, do people still see South America as we are portrayed in the movies? :magni:

Eve Online, I should play it again, give it another chance and just let myself be swallowed by it.

Ashes of Creation. Like you said, I will keep an eye on it, see how it advances and see if it's the kind of game I would enjoy. It's expensive for me right now, though (dollar is getting crazy here, our "peso" sucks)

Thank you very much for your recommendations! And sorry I'm crying a lot in this comment :judo: I should get back on my trusty horse Wilbur and go back to my cave.