Metal Gear Solid V Officially Announced

Hideo Kojima just announces that the entire voice cast of Metal Gear Solid has been replaced with the 97' Berserk anime dub cast. All the generic foot soldiers sound like Goku. :troll:

I've been a fan of MGS since i was little. It was the first game where i actually paid attention to the story. (even though i was seven and thought they were talking about blue jeans when they were referring to genes.) I'm looking forward to MGSV, but i'm not overly excited for a new entry like i was in the past. I thought that MGS4 had a fine enough ending to end the franchise on and now i feel like Konami is just milking it. I can't believe they're making it into two games. E3 gameplay, Phantom Pain will be Open World and will feature some neet stuff... sorry for double post
Lukis said: E3 gameplay, Phantom Pain will be Open World and will feature some neet stuff... sorry for double post

Wow, I was not expecting to be as impressed as I am for this.

Count me in.
I just hope it won't be a boxset for Xbox 360 :D ,if I will still have it ,since I'm thinking of selling it and getting PS3.
Lukis said: E3 gameplay, Phantom Pain will be Open World and will feature some neet stuff... sorry for double post
Three minutes longer:
Gameplay sure looked neat (Red Dead Revengeance? =), but goodness, the dialogue and story elements sure weren't anything "more serious." That music video trailer was so effective because all of those elements were basically covered (except for the hyper realistic moments like the doctor cryptically revealing Snake's nine year coma like he's auditioning for The Young and the Restless). Why bother getting a "real" actor to better handle or elevate the purportedly more serious and nuanced subject matter (revenge... really?) when you don't have a writer/director that can handle that subject matter with nuance anyway? We already know it's all going to devolve into some serious gonzo stream of consciousnesss glib bullshit from Kojima's, and then I read he's tackling race... yeee-ikes!! :magni:
Hitoshura said:
Link is down already. Here's a working one.

Melodramatic Trailer is Solid: V.
...The moment we've all been waiting for has finally arrived :

180 Days and counting until launch

Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Day 1

Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Collectors Edition [PS4/XB1]

Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Premium Package [PS4] - Japan

Asia Exclusive PS4 MGSV Bundle

* PC release Date is 9.15.15

:: Pricing ::

Xbox One, PS4, and PC Standard/Day 1: $59.99
Xbox One and PS4 Collector’s Edition: $99.99
Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3: $49.99



At least I'll have Witcher 3 Wild Hunt & Batman Arkham Knight to kill time with while waiting.
Good job Konami you just shot yourselves in the foot.
We'll see man. Kojima's been saying he'll quit the series for how long now? Maybe this time he really will. Besides, now he and his guys are like mercenaries betrayed by the government, just like Big Boss and the Devil Dogs! Will his next company be called Outer Haven?! :isidro:
"This will be my final Metal Gear."
"No really, this is it, guys. My final game with Snake."
"This time's for real though. Please enjoy ... my FINAL Metal Gear game."
"Metal Gear Solid 3 is the final chapter in the Metal Gear Solid series."
"This fourth [Metal Gear Solid] is going to be the final one for me."
"I really don't want to say that this the final game or this is the wrap up, but if I don't say it, people will make me create MGS again!"
"That's why this is definitely my last Metal Gear and the end of Solid Snake's story. There probably will be a Metal Gear Solid 5, but it'll more than likely have a different world, characters, and story.
"And this time — I'll say it again — this is the last one. Not the last Metal Gear, but the last one I'll work on."
"Well, you assholes keep buying this shit, so here I am again. Thanks a lot."
"But seriously, now I'm gone. This is my final Metal Gear game (as a contracted Konami employee)."
"Well, Konami offered me a really sweet package for my first freelance gig, so I'll be working on Metal Gear. Enjoy, you motherfuckers..."

Source for some quotes:
Hmmm, more serious than this is the rumors he's already on the outs with them; it would be a shame if they didn't at least make it to the finish line of MGS5 and it becomes some controversial work of questionable authenticity: (check out the first comment if nothing else =)

So, much ado about nothing, he's leaving and fans are going nuts trying to get a bunch of gotcha details companies don't usually divulge anyway, or definitely fire (I know the potential of it being designated as NOT "A Hideo Kojima Game" is significant to him)? It's at least plausible to me that instead of just wrapping up MGS5 like they would have under normal circumstances that Kojima and Konami would fuck it up trying to position themselves for the aftermath of his departure (Konami trying to protect their brand/properties, Kojima trying to go out on his terms). For all practical concerns, I'm not really worried about the content of MGS5 being significantly affected in any case.
Griffith said:
It's at least plausible to me that instead of just wrapping up MGS5 like they would have under normal circumstances that Kojima and Konami would fuck it up trying to position themselves for the aftermath of his departure

That'd really be surprising to me, given how long he's been at the company, and particularly how un-Japanese it would be.
Walter said:
That'd really be surprising to me, given how long he's been at the company, and particularly how un-Japanese it would be.

Not to mention how close they are to release. Unless development has been a mess behind the scenes they must be in the final stretch for it, fixing bugs rather than adding features. I don't see Kojima or anyone really sabotaging their work so close to the end after having spent who knows how many years on it.

It'd be more interesting to know what prompted this situation, what side initiated it and what's at stake within the company.