Peter Jackson's HALO series


Staff member

"The Oscar-winning film-maker said he would be creating a series based on the Halo video game franchise.

"Technology is at a point where we can blend a lot of film storytelling with interactive entertainment," he said.

The series will appear on the Xbox 360 games console and Xbox Live, the machine's online service."

Check out his photo on that BBC article... Jesus, I think I liked him better when he was humongous. Now, he just looks creepy. Not sure what to make of this whole thing yet. I don't give two shits about Halo. But his involvement just strikes me as ... odd.
I've never been much of a shooter type myself, but the idea of a series inspired by the Halo games is certainly interesting.

And for the record, I think the man definitey looked better as an overgrown Hobbit. :puck: Vampire-Jackson is probably healthier, but he just doesn't have that rolly-polly director appeal that I love and... need. u_u
Walter said:

Check out his photo on that BBC article... Jesus, I think I liked him better when he was humongous. Now, he just looks creepy. Not sure what to make of this whole thing yet. I don't give two shits about Halo. But his involvement just strikes me as ... odd.
Is this going to be some weird movie/game thingie?

Well, since it involves XBoxLive, it could be something incorporating future online Halo games, i.e. possible MMORPG spin-offs, with a series of movies.

That's just off the top of my head of course, and it already sounds like shit, so I hope that's not it :troll:
Well, from what I gathered upon a brief run-thru of the article, Jackson doesn't even know what he's doing just yet.
It literally could be anything.
Walter said:
Well, since it involves XBoxLive, it could be something incorporating future online Halo games, i.e. possible MMORPG spin-offs, with a series of movies.

That's just off the top of my head of course, and it already sounds like shit, so I hope that's not it :troll:
I was actually thinking it would be like those old Sega arcade games where it looked like it was 3d and you could control what they did if you could get the timing right.
Meh, Halo Wars just reminds me of Star Craft... so I don't know, all I have seen is that poster so I cant make an decisions till the damn game comes out.... oh well.
Halo was originally supposed to be an RTS. And if Bungie's Myth: The Fallen Lords is any indication, holy hell can they work the genre. Solid single player and addictive multiplayer. So yea, if it turns out to be like Starcraft, I have a lot of faith that it will be great.

As for Peter Jackson's involvement with Halo... I dunno. I really liked LotR, but I hated King Kong. I just don't know what to expect from that man, so it's hard to make a judgement.
Scorpio said:
As for Peter Jackson's involvement with Halo... I dunno.  I really liked LotR, but I hated King Kong.

That kind of sounds like loving chocolate cake, but hating chocolate brownies. What's the big difference, or is that the problem?

Anyway, these two properties can't possibily hurt each other, especially since Peter Jackson knows Halo as both a disgustingly fat AND disgustingly skinny Halo fan. Inside and out, basically.
"Griffith No More!" said:
That kind of sounds like loving chocolate cake, but hating chocolate brownies. What's the big difference, or is that the problem?

Anyway, these two properties can't possibily hurt each other, especially since Peter Jackson knows Halo as both a disgustingly fat AND disgustingly skinny Halo fan. Inside and out, basically.
So how about we get this little shindig going and start doing our retartdly unimportant assumptions on who is going to play who.

How about Halle Barry as Cortina?  :carcus:
"Griffith No More!" said:
That kind of sounds like loving chocolate cake, but hating chocolate brownies. What's the big difference, or is that the problem?

Original King Kong: 1 hour and 40min
Peter Jackson's King Kong: 3 hours and 7min

What happened with the extra hour and 27 minutes? A lot of boredom. Also, while I appreciate his past work on horror films, that aspect of his King Kong was incredibly cliche. And the scene with the bugs, while I also appreciate gratuitous violence, was just plain over the top.
Well, I didn't say it was good. =)

Kong could have easilly been a better movie an hour shorter, but it also practically takes longer to watch Jackson's LotR than to actually read them. :guts:

Greater boredom ratio than Kong too.
Here is a trailer for Halo Wars

Doesnt really say anything about the game, but it looks interesting enough I guess.

[edit]Found another link that has slightly more information. Apparently this is being done by the guys behind Age of Empires.