Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 77


Staff member

Episode 77: Great Gurus (Ep. 345) (1h 54m)
We sit down with a bunch of old people to talk about a bunch of old people in Elfhelm for our review of Episode 345, including the secrets of Berserk's ancient world and Guts' value to the future. We even make some time at the end of the show to talk about the new anime with a guest who hasn't yet been exposed to its particular brand of terrible.

Timestamps (thanks to Luizao):

00:00 Introduction

Episode 345

01:45 Initial impressions
04:58 The common room (+Cats & Chess in Berserk)
08:31 The Great Gurus
13:20 Flora compared with other wizards
15:09 Danan
17:46 Guts' impatience
19:58 Elf King and elves in Skellig
24:15 Food panel
27:16 Circular table preamble
31:20 Ged's explanation of the Giant Tree
36:37 Road of Elves/Road of Dragons
43:02 Puck's Beherit and its final purpose
48:14 Forest of Spiritual Trees and the ancient chaos
55:28 Ganishka's transformation
1:01:51 Guts and Griffith's relationship and the world transformation
1:07:16 Falconia and 1000 years ago world
1:12:18 Group reaction to Guts+Griffith connection
1:15:07 Next episode possible Guts' story
1:16:55 Griffith's will
1:20:18 Rickert's theory (Femto=Ideal Griffith)/Griffith's ambition
1:25:56 The God Hand in 346
1:28:09 The pace could lead us to unexpected events

1:32:42 Anime (Pure masochism)

The show's opening track, an "8-bit" remix of Inferno is from YouTube user Storm Blade.

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We've seen Serpico playing chess with the golems at Flora's place! :serpico:

When you guys brought up apostles and the God Hand possibly being affected differently by the World Tree's power than mere astral creatures, it reminded me of how the pirates could get through the barrier of the Four Kings due to their "semi-human" nature. Yet another example of a simple thing Miura put in there that could be seen as just a throw away detail but actually conveys important information on the workings of the world.
Rupert Sinclair said:
We've seen Serpico playing chess with the golems at Flora's place! :serpico:

Ahh, that's right! I knew I'd seen it somewhere. :puck:

Rupert Sinclair said:
it reminded me of how the pirates could get through the barrier of the Four Kings due to their "semi-human" nature.

The pirates could get through because they were shielded by the ship. If their status as recently deceased humans helped them endure the spell once that was done, I think it was more because of their fighting spirit than anything else.
Rupert Sinclair said:
We've seen Serpico playing chess with the golems at Flora's place! :serpico:

Between this and the cat, I should probably just stop trying to call out "firsts" for things in Berserk at this point :void:
Walter said:
We sit down with a bunch of old people to talk about a bunch of old people in Elfhelm for our review of Episode 345

I have the white in my beard to prove the veracity of this description.

Rupert Sinclair said:
We've seen Serpico playing chess with the golems at Flora's place! :serpico:
Aazealh said:
Ahh, that's right! I knew I'd seen it somewhere. :puck:

*GASPS* A day that will live in infamy. :ganishka:

Walter said:
Between this and the cat, I should probably just stop trying to call out "firsts" for things in Berserk at this point :void:

It's not your fault, it's Miura and his fucking backgrounds that have more detail than most artist's foregrounds. It's like, "Simpson's did it!" at this point.
Thanks guys, that was both informative and entertaining! Very appreciated. Nice to have Grail and Griffith join as well, Griffith's knack for finding a comedic side to everything always cracks me up. The Beherit stuff was gold!
Gotta say this is definitely one of the most exciting podcasts yet, I anticipate these just as much as the episodes themselves. And it's great to have Griffith back! Along with Grail, you guys might as well be the four Great Gurus! :ganishka:
Walter said:
Between this and the cat, I should probably just stop trying to call out "firsts" for things in Berserk at this point :void:

Not to keep beating the proverbial dead horse but when you mentioned the cat thing I thought specifically about the black cat in Solitary Island because it was an image I singled out for my Berserk picture game many years ago and I always really liked that shot. I should try to bring that game back actually, it's fun and we have a lot of new members since then :casca:

Also Grail mentioned the Rankin/Bass Hobbit cartoon from the 70's and I agree that when I first saw the Guru's I instinctively got vibes from that show. Nothing too specific but the art style from those old cartoons mixed with the classic fantasy caricatures of old wizards with pointy hats and great beards is nostalgic to me. I watched those a lot when I was a kid.
Hanma_Baki said:
Nice to have Grail and Griffith join as well, Griffith's knack for finding a comedic side to everything always cracks me up. The Beherit stuff was gold!

Since they have hosting, play-by-play, and analysis down pat my focus is more color commentary and off the wall musings. I just need a soundboard with honking horns and clucking chicken noises on it. :iva:
1:21-1:23 That was me about Griffith's ambition vs other God Hand's desires! :D " Somebody " Damn it Aaz. :troll:

In any case, the point about Puck's beherit was interesting. Technically if its possible to use the World tree connection to reach the road of dragons somehow, then I dont think the beherit is going to be needed for that. It also bears the question whether the materalization of other God hand members is even needed if such a gateway ( via World Tree exists ). Continueing on becchi, could a minor wind spirit/elf be able to influence such a powerful artifact like beherit? I think its hard to say. Elves are considered empaths and good spirits. Could their od be able to change the nature of beherit? Turning it from an evil cursed object to something that's more closer to natural ( 4 kings? ). I dont think we'll see Guts swallowing beherits any time soon, and its doubtful a single beherit would be enough to create something like Skull Knight's beherit sword. So screw it, it becomes a white good beherit and guts can use it to tap into magical power that can further increase his abilities by borrowing power from 4 Kings.... Without turning him into an apostle and ruin the core theme of the manga.

Yeah, went off the road there, but got hooked on your speculation .:isidro:
Feeblecursedone said:
1:21-1:23 That was me about Griffith's ambition vs other God Hand's desires! :D " Somebody " Damn it Aaz. :troll:

Haha sorry, better luck next time. :iva:

Feeblecursedone said:
In any case, the point about Puck's beherit was interesting. Technically if its possible to use the World tree connection to reach the road of dragons somehow, then I dont think the beherit is going to be needed for that.

Well yeah, I mean the beherit opens up the road of dragons, but for the World Spiral Tree it's like each of its branches also does. That's why the tree's appearance coincided with an enormous amount of stuff from the Astral World spilling into the Corporeal World. A beherit is definitely not required.

Feeblecursedone said:
Continueing on becchi, could a minor wind spirit/elf be able to influence such a powerful artifact like beherit? I think its hard to say. Elves are considered empaths and good spirits. Could their od be able to change the nature of beherit? Turning it from an evil cursed object to something that's more closer to natural ( 4 kings? ). I dont think we'll see Guts swallowing beherits any time soon, and its doubtful a single beherit would be enough to create something like Skull Knight's beherit sword. So screw it, it becomes a white good beherit and guts can use it to tap into magical power that can further increase his abilities by borrowing power from 4 Kings.... Without turning him into an apostle and ruin the core theme of the manga. Yeah, went off the road there, but got hooked on your speculation .:isidro:

Lol yeah you went off the deep end. I don't think it'll go that far, because beherits are indeed very powerful objects, and they're irrevocably tied to the Idea of Evil. I think at most the proximity with Puck could have negated some of this influence, maybe lessened that link somehow. It's hard to tell what that could achieve, though. Could Guts use it against a member of the God Hand, even though the way the Skull Knight used the beherits he acquired clearly did not work out like he hoped it would? Or maybe it'll just prevent a planned catastrophe from happening? We'll have to wait and see.
Thanks again for having me on guys, it was a blast!

Oburi said:
Also Grail mentioned the Rankin/Bass Hobbit cartoon from the 70's and I agree that when I first saw the Guru's I instinctively got vibes from that show. Nothing too specific but the art style from those old cartoons mixed with the classic fantasy caricatures of old wizards with pointy hats and great beards is nostalgic to me. I watched those a lot when I was a kid.

Hey, nice! I'm glad somebody can back me up on this. :ganishka: Another funny tidbit, one of my favorite Rankin-Bass cartoons features a group of wizards called the Four Magic Brothers, sound familiar? :troll:

Griffith said:
Since they have hosting, play-by-play, and analysis down pat my focus is more color commentary and off the wall musings. I just need a soundboard with honking horns and clucking chicken noises on it. :iva:

I support this motion!
Griffith said:
Since they have hosting, play-by-play, and analysis down pat my focus is more color commentary and off the wall musings.

Yeah you guys really got everything covered here, and you make a great team. Some of you more artsy and creative members, if you got any time to spare, should totally make some kinda cool logo featuring charming cartoony versions of all you guys or something like that, and just slap it on each of the Skullkast images (and if someone wouldnt be present you just use a sadface for that one or some fun shit like that)

I just need a soundboard with honking horns and clucking chicken noises on it. :iva:
OMG dont know if you're even half serious but PLEASE do that! :ganishka:
That brief discussion of the possibilities of Guts'/Puck's beherit got my gears turning a bit as well. I had always kind of assumed that it would fall to it's rightful owner at... an inconvenient time. While that might be true, the notion that it's more or less just a key to the road of dragons might mean that it could be used to somehow "lock the door," stated simply. I also wonder if it couldn't be used in reverse, should Guts find himself in a hopeless situation deep in the astral world or perhaps even the abyss, if it then might be possible to open the road back to the mortal world. Still, however it's used it will surely have to come at some great cost as has been demonstrated repeatedly and warned of by every magic user we've met so far. Even if Puck were able to influence it, I imagine it would only be to make something like the above ideas possible but still not ideal in any sense. I have a hard time believing that something created by the Idea could suddenly be turned good and used against it with reckless abandon.

It's certainly interesting to think about! And I agree with everyone in the cast that the beherit, however it ends up making it's mark in the story, is going to be a really big deal and will have been foreshadowed since the very first arc with the black swordsman.
Scorpio said:
That brief discussion of the possibilities of Guts'/Puck's beherit got my gears turning a bit as well. [...] the notion that it's more or less just a key to the road of dragons might mean that it could be used to somehow "lock the door," stated simply. I also wonder if it couldn't be used in reverse, should Guts find himself in a hopeless situation deep in the astral world or perhaps even the abyss, if it then might be possible to open the road back to the mortal world.

Interesting ideas, though we should keep in mind that just because we have learned of new terms for certain phenomenons, it doesn't mean what we knew before is moot. The way beherits work as described to us is pretty specific: they open a gate to the Abyss (specifically to the God Hand's realm) and transport their user there when the time is right. What I'm getting at is that even modified, I'm not sure it could act like you suggest here. I feel that even within our speculation, the margin of deviation from its intended use would be pretty thin in any case. For example, it could just be that it will allow them to open a gate to the Astral World in a way not planned by the Idea of Evil. But even thinking of this, Flora's words to Guts echo in my head.

Scorpio said:
And I agree with everyone in the cast that the beherit, however it ends up making it's mark in the story, is going to be a really big deal and will have been foreshadowed since the very first arc with the black swordsman.

You know, I actually think it's already made its mark in a way, through all the little scenes it's been featured in. I love those. I'm not saying it won't, but even if it ended up not playing a big dramatic role I wouldn't be disappointed.
I finally had the time and energy yesterday to get to do a thorough look through of this newest episode along with the much appreciated summary provided by puella and Aazealh. And what an episode! I enjoyed it a lot. So much new information and I just love all the little interactions we get to see between characters in this. Puck is hilarious! It looks like he shoved a whole biscuit into his face in some scenes because even the back of his head is bulging out. How fat and rolly he gets cracked me up! :puck:

Really enjoyed the podcast as always! Thanks guys and gal for doing it. :ubik: I think the 4 of you have a good dynamic going between you. It was fun listening. Your gruel analogy about the anime made me laugh, Walter. It's just so true. :judo:
JMP said:
Really enjoyed the podcast as always! Thanks guys and gal for doing it. :ubik: I think the 4 of you have a good dynamic going between you. It was fun listening. Your gruel analogy about the anime made me laugh, Walter. It's just so true. :judo:

Thanks! Did you catch Grail's reference to you about the whole gardening thing?
Finally listened to this last night, lovely podcast guys (thanks a lot for taking the time to give us a full analysis) and glad you're back Griffith. You were a lot more serious on this one than you usually are.
This was very funny, should come with a trigger warning before you tell a joke so I don't smirk like an axe murderer while I'm listening to it, listening to you guys butchering the anime and the movies is gut wrenching. Whatever Griffiths goal is, it must be massive if his own kingdom is merely a stepping stone, then again he has a profound connection to the entire human race, in retrospect a minor Kingdom was never going to cut it. The only likely objective I can think of is a world sized Falconia empire, or maybe he's after something more transcendental rather than territorial.