Soul Calibur III

The older version of Rock(very similar to Astaroth) was in the home version of SCII as Berserker. There was also Lizardman, who has also been made into an original character now.
Assassin, on the other hand, has mostly been integrated into the Create-A-Soul system for original characters.
Tenro said:
There was also Lizardman, who has also been made into an original character now.
Couldn't you play as Lizardman in both SC I and II (I should know, hes the only one I played at the Arcades)? What do you mean by original character?
I think he means the create your own character system.  Assassin is now a class you can give a character, and you should be able to create a nearly identical character and equip him with his original weapon.

BTW, what possessed namco to make Olcadan (sp?)?  That weird phantom thing they had before was fine, we don't need a guy with the head of a snow owl.


"O RLY?"
Walter said:
Couldn't you play as Lizardman in both SC I and II (I should know, hes the only one I played at the Arcades)? What do you mean by original character?

If my memory serves me correctly, Lizardman had to be unlocked in SC I.
Walter said:
Couldn't you play as Lizardman in both SC I and II (I should know, hes the only one I played at the Arcades)? What do you mean by original character?
Actually, what I think he meant by original character is that Lizardman now has a unique move-set and command list; instead of being a warped version of Cassandra or Sophitia.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't assassin basically chinese sword now?

And Vaxillus, all things considered; Olcadan is a much cooler character than Charade ever was, but, if you really don't like him; just use Charade or Edgemaster, since they're both still in the game.
Glad to read they put Edgemaster back in SCIII. His absence from SCII was much noted by myself. Charade is a fagaholic.
Walter hit it head-on; Assassin is the Chinese Sword style, though I don't think Assassins actually get that style.
Also, Olcadan really starts to grow on you.
Well, the people who would generally know(and tended to play her) say that she's not as powerful, but still good. I'm more a fan of the stronger types, so I'm not complaining much, but I don't notice too much of a difference. Also, there are plenty of fast characters this time around.
If you want to know how she's changed, my friend knew a cheap juggling combo that could right out an enemy just about every time. Supposedly she can't do it anymore.
Hey dudes! I finally got around to playing this game the other day. I think that for a non 2D fighter this game rocks. After playing around for a while I decided on a character I would like to use more often. His name is Raphael.... "pathetic!"
xbigvmanx said:
Anyone know how to make a really good Guts. I checked and they don't even list him as a character to be made.
Thats because are homes of faggots. Seriously. There are some messed up Jerries kid's over there.
I've been lurking on his board for a while now, and finally this is my time to shine!

I pretty much picked up the Dreamcast for Soul Calibur.  I must have dumped almost 400 + hours into that.  And I loved it.  Heck I picked up Soul Blade, and even did everything in that game just to get a better basis for the second. 

However with the release of 2 and 3.  I feel the game has gone down in quality.  not the story or character designs.  Those have remained top of the line (exclude Heihachi, Necrid, Cherade, Link and Spawn.  They are not people, so they don't count :) ). 

I do feel however that the move set has become more towards cheap combos and less intelligent fighting.  I'm sorry if that comes out awkward.  I just don't know to put it.  The second and especially the third one, just felt cheap.  I do however enjoy how many characters are in the third one(Nightmare and Seigfreid Schautauffen being two characters = perfect).  Keeping the specialist weapons, another great idea.  And the branching story lines where a great idea, but implemented poorly (too many duplicates, such as chase this person here, or dodge this cage on this level every time).  But the rpg strategy battle and Create-A-Soul were just bad additions.

I went though the whole thing using the barbarian move set and the Greatsword.  Just using the <-, <-, Vert attack and beat the game with out a single loss. 

Regarding the fighting engine, I have noticed several glitches and slow downs (I'm not the only one as this gets dragged to the forefront of any SC heavy board, so I'm not going to speak about it here).  In the end, as much as I love the characters, and the game, I feel SC was the best and the second and third just felt rushed.
I never even picked up Soul Caibur CIII, mostly because I didn't get a PS2 until recently, and I also felt SCII was a step down from SC. I didn't really see the point in investing in the third.

Honestly, I think I actually had a better time with Soul Edge for PS1. I played it again recently, and it's still got the best "quest" mode of the series, imho. Which, let's be honest, if you aren't playing 2-player mode, you're playing quest mode 9 times out of 10.

I'm hoping NAMCO will eventually release a Soul Cabinet or something, with all four games. :carcus:
Bought it because Mitsurugi is a badass... but the game wasn't that enjoyable, really. I completely forgot how much I suck at 'Beat-em-Ups' :puck:
Uriel said:
I completely forgot how much I suck at 'Beat-em-Ups' :puck:

Soul Calibur III is a fighting game, not a "beat 'em up." :guts: That would be games like Double Dragon, Streets of Rage or more recently Devil May Cry.
I've gotten a chance to play the game twice (and not for very long) but it kinda seems like it might as well be a beat em up. Tap 'a' and go!
Well if it was anything like SC 1 or 2, you could probably beat the guy who's just tapping "a" pretty easily. I didn't buy 3 tho as it didn't really seem like much of a variation from 2.
The Soul Calibur games were great, and I like finally being able to make custom characters.

However, I personally think this one is quite a bit harder than the other ones (which is surprising, games usually get easier as time goes by)