Century-slayer said:the pics look good also its has a m rating
Majin Tenshi said:Nifty...
Does that look like a child Link in 5 or is that just my imagination?
A zelda game like this would always be a blessing, I hope this has to do with Ganon breaking free of the sacred realm. I mean they did seal him, and he did say "one day, whne I break this seal". They should also enhance Saria's song and the windmill song and put it in that game.ZODDGUTS said:This is good fucking news. After being dissapointed on how the Wind Waker turn up, a Zelda game like this is a blessing. :)
Oh and it looks like Epona is back. 8)
DemonX said:I hope Link decides to make out with zelda this time...
...enticingDemonX said:I hope Link decides to make out with zelda this time...
Membrax said:if it's half as good as ocarina of time, it would be already a great game. If more, then it's time to buy a gamecube ^^