Visualizing moments in Berserk IRL

Do you ever in real life, when dealing with different situations, as a comic relief or a way of coping or for other reasons, visualize scenes and moment from Berserk to get into a certain mindset?

I meditate using this app called Waking up and there is a new series in there called Deep rest. One of the practices is called Safety in the body. While doing this practice one has to invite an image or memory that creates ease in the body, later acknowledging and encountering it into one's body. The goal is to create in a way that you can always have access to it. When the guide was describing the feelings of "no need to check your surroundings", "security and safety", I obviously, without hesitation visualized the cave scene with Casca being protected by Guts. That image has since my teens (when I started reading Berserk) awakened feelings of calm in me and is truly (I am sure I'm not the only one reasoning this way) a safety archetype to return to and that works every time!

Another example: recently I had a very stressful meeting at work with a coworker who is a jerk. That morning while biking to work I thought of how I could just do this thing as effortlessly as possible. Then one golden memory from the manga just popped into my consciousness. It was the scene in episode 95 when the disgusting bandit guy with the intent of threatening Guts, is licking his knife while approaching Guts. It is of course a classic moment when Guts in response, with minimal effort... well umm... helps the guy make everyone a favor (with a tiny push).:puck:I was so grateful for my brain doing this by its own and so I embraced that thought, visualized it in detail and had a good laugh too. Later that morning I got a very good outcome from the meeting (where I confronted the guy while being extremely calm and collected but demanding which made him desperate so he apologize to me).:guts: :rickert:

Scenes from the manga are always there to accompany us so I wonder: Do you every visualize this way to manifest or create emotions or a certain attitude going into or during a situation in real life?


Staff member
That's interesting! I can't say that I've had similar experiences, but Berserk might have influenced my way of thinking to some extent over the years.
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