What are you reading?

A bunch of stock, trite and cliched fantasies, in addition to a few pretentious, wannabe "political breakdowns" they're fantastic!
I dont usually read classic literature on my own time usually.
Im currently reading The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks for the second time. Its just as hilarious as it was the first time, plus it makes a great conversation starter in public!
Memnoch The Devil

Darker compared to Anne Rice's other stuff.

She's not the greatest author, but has some interesing inter-woven ideas.
I'm about halfway through The Golden Compass, the first book in the "His Dark Materials" trilogy. It's okay, for what I'd call children's literature. I discovered the title from checking up on one of Casca's major rivals in the "Support Casca" competition, Lord Asriel.

Though I finished it over a year ago, I should also put in a quick shout out for one of the best and most entertaining books I've read in years: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke. It won a Hugo award in 2005 for "Best Novel", but more importantly, scored a really amazing blurb from Neil Gaiman (of "Sandman" fame) essentially calling it the best fantasy novel since Tolkien's days.

It's in paperback now, so you can get a copy for less than 10 bucks. At 800 pages, it's quite a journey, but in the end, I promise you'll wish it was longer. If you can make it through the relatively boring first 50 pages, you'll find a really engaging story at the heart of which are some of the most memorable characters I've experienced (Berserk aside :guts: ).
Walter said:
Though I finished it over a year ago, I should also put in a quick shout out for one of the best and most entertaining books I've read in years: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke.  It won a Hugo award in 2005 for "Best Novel", but more importantly, scored a really amazing blurb from Neil Gaiman (of "Sandman" fame) essentially calling it the best fantasy novel since Tolkien's days.

It's in paperback now, so you can get a copy for less than 10 bucks.  At 800 pages, it's quite a journey, but in the end, I promise you'll wish it was longer.  If you can make it through the relatively boring first 50 pages, you'll find a really engaging story at the heart of which are some of the  most memorable characters I've experienced (Berserk aside  :guts: ).

Sweet, thanks for the heads-up, Walter! I'll have to add that to my "to read eventually" list. As for what I'm reading these days, I'm working my way through Raymond E. Feist's Midkemia novels. I'm on Krondor: Tear of the Gods, which is only 6 away from catching up to the most recent release! :guts:
Walter said:
I'm about halfway through Northern Lights, the first book in the "His Dark Materials" trilogy.
Fixed :guts:

Excellent series though. Asriel is one of my favourite characters from a 'Childrens' novel.
IsolatioN said:
Right now I'm re-reading Jurrasic Park. I forgot how much I enjoyed the book :)

Seriously, and "The Lost World" was really good, too, from what I remember.  The film, on the other hand... :griff:
Well so far I'm working on reading:

Le Morte D'Arthur

The Divine Comedy

The Serial Killer Files

And working on my library of Japanese language books.

Graphic novel-wise I'm currently enjoying:

Full Metal Alchemist

Berserk (can't resist reading through the series again)

Trigun Maximum

Excel Saga

Preacher (If you loved screwed up shit this is the series for you)
Nomad said:
  A nice pick.  Still one of my favorites.

You've got good taste. ;D 

Got to love all things medieval, I always have and guess that's just part of the reason why I love Berserk.
Raziel said:
Well so far I'm working on reading:

Le Morte D'Arthur
I've read this before, but it was a contemporary... reitteration (?) of the text. So, I wonder which version are reading of this as well as:

The Divine Comedy
which I will begin reading soon after I finish reading Life after God and Something Wicked This Way Comes, but only because it's a book a friend of mine lent me and I don't like holding on to things months at a time if I'm not using it.
But I've got the Longfellow version of the Barnes & Noble Classics Series.
Very excited about it!
I must admit that i'm really lazy when it comes to reading "real" books. There are many books that i'm really interested of, but i just don't have enough patience. I'm still trying so now i'm reading "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding and "Dark Tower 4 - Wizard and Glass" by Stephen King. Btw i can really recommend the Dark Tower series...
Aazealh said:
It keeps getting better too. Just wait until you read 5, 6 and 7! :void:
Cant wait to get my hands on them. The fourth DT book is most boring yet (better than many other books though) so I kinda read it slowly. Btw Roland kind of reminds me of Guts...
I just finished reading Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane, was pretty tough to get into, but it got very rewarding in the end. I heard it's very similar to Anna Karenina.
Right now, I'm reading this thread to get some leads on good books! Other than that, Lord Galactor's burgeoning collection of Dune novels are within easy reach and make for a decent read.
Trashcan said:
Right now, I'm reading this thread to get some leads on good books! Other than that, Lord Galactor's burgeoning collection of Dune novels are within easy reach and make for a decent read.
is Lord Galactor a nickname for Frank Herbert?

because if so.. Dune Chronicles= GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD
STILL trying to finish Musashi... its been like what? a year or more? meh...

After that I am thinking about buying the complete Pip & Flinx series by Alan Dean Foster... good stuff... good stuff..