what are your hobbies besides berserk

FAV. ANIME: Berserk, Evangelion (there are others I like, but not as much.)
FAV. MUSIC: anime songs, tool, L'Arc~en~ciel (prefer their older stuff), estradasphere
COLLEGE: I want to study philosophy but I also like psychology, physics, astronomy.
OTHER HOBBIES: You wouldn't believe how much time I spend sleeping or laying in bed.
I WANT: knowledge, the discipline to function more efficiently, my own place, to travel, to look like Griffith, to play music (I'm learning piano and bass), and romance (the broader definition of romance, which incompasses adventure, emotion, etc.)
hey, i'm a chemical engineering major too! I am also majoring in math though. Go P.D.E's!!!

Outside of Berserk I seem to like a band called Pink Floyd. Ya, they're the best. If you don't know who they are, U SUCK!! I also listen to Tool and STP.

I like Evangelion as well.

And the Lord of the Rings. Coolest stuff I have read.
You have good taste floydboy! My fav bands are Tool, Radiohead, Deftones, A perfect circle, Massive Attack and Pink Floyd :)

Well, there's really not many animes that measure up to even compare to Berserk, but Evangelion is close and Lain is not very far away either. Although I must say that Project ARMS seems very promising, at least graphically, it has a superb drawing and animation style. But i've only seen the first two eps. Anyone know if there's more around or at least how long the series is?

Manga-wise, there's just GunnM and Blade of the immortals that comes close imho :)

Besides anime/manga related stuff I play a lot of Warhammer 40k and FB and have been painting miniatures for 10 years.
Here's a sample of my work if you're interested:

I study Industrial design in Luleå, Sweden.
Comics I have on shelf: Blade of Immortal, Gunnm, RG Veda, Berserk......etc, I guess. ah, how can I live without them?

I like Rammstein. Some of the songs only, though. Some of the lyrics are not just profane; they go beyond lame. Then some takes me away......Of course, the crappy English really drives me insane: "God Damn, Not and angel when I die!" What the hell is that? But I like it when he sings that line.

(what am I talking about?)
I am a 7'4 quarterback for the Boston Lions. That is I would be if I was seven foot four and Boston had a football team they called the Lions, but don't worry this dream will come true once I drink the Super Soldier Syrium. Anyway I am now practicing the art of going to Japan where I will learn Japan so that I can karate a couple Yakuza gun rangers (Or whatever they call sixty five year old women over there). My hobbies include drawing pictures... of your MAMA! BOOYA!
wow, what is gorilla guts on, and could i maybe get some....

ah, the classic your mom joke still makes me laugh somehow. Man that post seems funny right now.

I forgot to say that I am an avid concert goer, and went to Deftones, A perfect circle, Tool, STP, et al this past year. Good stuff there.

A little advice. NEVER get too involved in Diablo II or other such Blizzard games. Man do i wish i had those wasted months back. I could have read more berserk or something productive.