Adventures in YouTube

Remember Kung Fury the 80's themed kickstarter movie? Now it has a movie theme with the HOFF that's pure cheese and awesome. Plus it's produced by Mitch Murder (big thumbs up)
Fasty McNasty said:
Guts VS Nightmare | DEATH BATTLE!:

Logged in just to post this and happy that someone did it already. It was pretty fun to watch and I am glad that Gut's beat the hell out of Nightmare. :ubik:
Walter said:

The new Attack on Titan trailer looks awesome!! :ubik:

I gotta say, as weird as it looks, everybody seemed to be enjoying it. The squirty parts were apparently a big hit.
Grail said:
The new Attack on Titan trailer looks awesome!! :ubik:

I gotta say, as weird as it looks, everybody seemed to be enjoying it. The squirty parts were apparently a big hit.

Yeah, it's quite a rollercoaster ride. From gross, to surreal, to dramatic and then right back around again.
Walter said:
Yeah, it's quite a rollercoaster ride. From gross, to surreal, to dramatic and then right back around again.

After all these years it really says something when a video on the Internet can make me go "what the fuck".
Walter said:

:magni: ...... followed by curiosity. The statement is "Everybody's born, everybody cries, everybody shits, everybody dies." Ok, I can get behind that message. What better way to promote unity than with disturbing puppetry? I guess it does catch the attention, which makes people think about the meaning. While it is very bizarre, I also came to find it original, creative, and humorous after the shock wore off. :ganishka:
Walter said:

So weird, dark and perhaps part educational for kids? Wonder what the kids thought about it!
Phenomenal POV from the riders helmet ... couldn't take my eyes off the screen for all 17 mins, shaking my left foot. Listening to the engine at max rev, ooofff ... SCARY.