Adventures in YouTube

Honestly, AI voiced memes are the only thing in this recent huge AI trend that I actually enjoy :ganishka:

Yeah, the rest of it rates somewhere between annoying and the end of objective reality.

A single look at this garbage list and I'm turning the video off already. I can't even try to appreciate the actual parody because of how stupid whoever made that list is. :mozgus:

Oh, even they conclude the list is complete shit at the end, but you gotta hear Joe's impassioned pleas for Zelda II and III, "Um, actually, it's called the Red MAIL, dumbass!" :ganishka: The problem is, of course, Trump has awful taste while Obama is too willing to compromise and doesn't respect Joe! :guts:

Joe almost had me sitting in his Pontiac Firebird before he started making a case for Code Veronica.

Oh, you'll be riding shotgun in his Corvette convertible by the end of the Zelda videos, classified documents streaming through your hair. And hey, he doesn't say CV is S tier or anything, just that it's where the story picks up after 2 and it deserves better than D, which is fair. Actually, the joke placement of RE5 and 3R aside they're basically within a tier of everything being correct:

S(uperlative): RE2, RE1R, RE4, RE2R
A(wesome): RE1, RE3, RER, RE7, RE8
B(orderline): RE0, RE5, RE6, RER2
C(raptacular): CV, REUC, REDC, RE3R
D(on't bother): All that other shit.

I could be convinced RE1 and RE2R should switch tiers. Borderline can obviously be argued good or bad, and Craptacular means that these have some decidedly crappy elements even if they also have some spectacular part(s). I also made some new Zelda lists too of course, but I haven't looked to see if I ever posted my old "scientific" rankings where I weighed their contemporary impact, sales, critical and fan reviews, legacy, longevity, etc etc. =)
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Oh, you'll be riding shotgun in his Corvette convertible by the end of the Zelda videos, classified documents streaming through your hair. And hey, he doesn't say CV is S tier or anything, just that it's where the story picks up after 2 and it deserves better than D, which is fair.

Through clenched teeth: alright, alright...

I could be convinced RE1 and RE2R should switch tiers.

Good man. I maintain RE2R falls short of the original, despite all the things it did well. And unnecessarily cannibalized Nemesis.
Good man. I maintain RE2R falls short of the original, despite all the things it did well. And unnecessarily cannibalized Nemesis.

Oh yeah, that concession was directly to you of course. And yeah, there's arguments against RE2R, though it's a good thing they adapted the Nemesis mechanic since the official RE3 remake completely dropped the ball! Jill should have just been the RE2R DLC with her own RE3-based campaign and a reskinned Mr. X Nemesis. Not too far off from what RE3 basically is: RE2, disc 3! :guts:

Sorry, I just still can't believe they botched the RE3 remake when the materials were basically already made. I guess that's the problem, whoever they farmed it out to used whatever was ready but were incapable of adding any necessary assets, "It's missing 60% of the fuckin' game, Donny!"
Sorry, I just still can't believe they botched the RE3 remake when the materials were basically already made. I guess that's the problem, whoever they farmed it out to used whatever was ready but were incapable of adding any necessary assets, "It's missing 60% of the fuckin' game, Donny!"

Haha, well I followed your advice and didn't play it. And after RE8, I'm kinda done with the series honestly. Call me when they reboot it (again)!
S(uperlative): RE2, RE1R, RE4, RE2R
A(wesome): RE1, RE3, RER, RE7, RE8
B(orderline): RE0, RE5, RE6, RER2
C(raptacular): CV, REUC, REDC, RE3R
D(on't bother): All that other shit.

The series died with RE4, hence it does not exist in this dojo.
RE7 is the outlier, the only original survival horror since the early aughts.
RE2R is good but Capcom already shifted to action again because that's what sells.
CV is way better than RE3, which doesn't even feel like a full game.

The series died with RE4, hence it does not exist in this dojo.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Are you trying to piss everyone off?

RE7 is the outlier, the only original survival horror since the early aughts.

Actually, Survivor was the original first person Resident Evil.

RE2R is good but Capcom already shifted to action again because that's what sells.

Oh really? How many hunters did you kill in OG RE2?

CV is way better than RE3, which doesn't even feel like a full game.

Fine, let's just put them both in B tier and move on.

Joking aside, that's actually not a bad compromise, CV is arguably the ultimate borderline RE people either swear by or swear at, and yeah, RE3, while still cool, is objectively derivative. I wish I could do a similar compromise with RE4 and 7, which I'm fine with moving up, but 4 can't drop out of S for me. Love it or hate it, it redefined the genre and gaming overall for (console) generations. Still relevent today obviously, whereas RE7 may be transcendent, but may also be at an evolutionary dead end already (like CV's dynamic cameras :iva:).

RE1/2, RE4, and RE7 are the titles that truly defined the franchise for better or worse. You could argue CV basically belongs in that class, but did it define it in a good way? It basically redefined RE from b-movie action/horror true to the zombie genre to a high concept, melodramatic soap opera worthy of derision, and so it's gone ever since with the exception of RE7 as you say (which wisely returned to its "low budget" horror roots). So, it's more like CV was the death of RE and RE4 was the pivot necessitated by its failure. I still remember my shock when the opening cutscene of 4 suddenly declared Umbrella dead and essentially rebooted the franchise when I was looking forward to infiltrating Umbrella Europe HQ! :isidro:

BTW, RE4 remake demo actually seemed like it could be pretty scary... until I realized the sneaking was bullshit, they detect/activate in your presence like they would anyway, and you just end up comically nudging through mobs until your chainsaw man RNG goes bad and he hilariously disembowels you. I may just skip it like the Dead Space remake.
So, it's more like CV was the death of RE and RE4 was the pivot necessitated by its failure. I still remember my shock when the opening cutscene of 4 suddenly declared Umbrella dead and essentially rebooted the franchise when I was looking forward to infiltrating Umbrella Europe HQ! :isidro:

Bingo. Code Veronica is what killed the original, real Resident Evil series (or should I say バイオハザード). It had some good ideas and good areas, even though its gameplay managed to regress compared to RE3. But it showed the limits of "tank controls" in an era where games were evolving fast, and more importantly it abjectly failed to move the story in the right direction, producing a godawful mess that culminated with the revival of Wesker through cutscenes to try and add tension because whatshername was so pathetic.

Resident Evil 4 was a reboot in every single way, and even back then I didn't need a behind-the-scenes report to know it had been made into a Resident Evil game at the last moment. Honestly, I wish Capcom would drop the pretense once and for all and just make it an anthology series, like Final Fantasy, instead of trying to tie things together through the thinnest, most ridiculous premise every time so they can claim there's a continuity.

BTW, we've got to have had this same discussion at least six times by now. :ganishka: The way it's going we'll be giving eulogies about the RE series at each other's funerals (as zombies, of course).
Bingo. Code Veronica is what killed the original, real Resident Evil series (or should I say バイオハザード). It had some good ideas and good areas, even though its gameplay managed to regress compared to RE3.

It's the Sonic 2/Sonic CD simultaneously yet independently developed sequel syndrome, where you randomly have different core gameplay abilities in each one. In that case the parallel evolution of the spin-dash, CD's version being the evolutionary freak, in the REs it was movement vs cameras, etc. Yeah, RE3 somehow plays smoother than CV even though the latter has the most unique environmental graphics and POV direction in the series still.

But it showed the limits of "tank controls" in an era where games were evolving fast, and more importantly it abjectly failed to move the story in the right direction, producing a godawful mess that culminated with the revival of Wesker through cutscenes to try and add tension because whatshername was so pathetic.

I've said this before and it's probably reductive, but I feel like they were trying to crib off the MGSs of the world, both in terms of action and story. What I don't get is why Nighty forgives CV its own blockbuster action trappings, Tyrants on a plane y'all, when RE3 is still WAY grittier and meaner from a horror standpoint. Like, that game feels like it's covered in dirt and you literally end up underground and at a garbage facility where they're processing illegal bio waste while fending off Umbrella's scumbag merc killers. Just literally and figuratively nasty stuff. By comparison, CV is like straight up sci-fi with some light gothic elements once you get past the prison.

Resident Evil 4 was a reboot in every single way, and even back then I didn't need a behind-the-scenes report to know it had been made into a Resident Evil game at the last moment. Honestly, I wish Capcom would drop the pretense once and for all and just make it an anthology series, like Final Fantasy, instead of trying to tie things together through the thinnest, most ridiculous premise every time so they can claim there's a continuity.

The only consistent throughline at this point is plot terribleness, unfortunately. BTW, I actually finished that shitty RE8 Rose DLC and just when it got interesting (Eveline!) it abruptly ended! Just when I thought they couldn't disappoint me anymore; well, shame on me, I guess. :ganishka:

Also, all this talk about where the series went wrong with CV/RE4 makes me long for classic Resident Evil's TRUE successor: Leon's Mansion! :judo:

There's a "dream game" I'd like to play.

BTW, we've got to have had this same discussion at least six times by now. :ganishka: The way it's going we'll be giving eulogies about the RE series at each other's funerals (as zombies, of course).


"Now that Aaz and Nighty both perished in that brothel fire, with respect to the bereaved, I can finally move Code Veronica and Resident Evil 4 together into S tier without their complaining! Hey, and check this out, 'My name... is Albert Wesker.' Uh, this concludes the service."
CV is what it is. I still have the best memory from that resident evil over all others.

It was a cold blistering day. My best friends step dad had a great job running software. They always had new things and the dreamcast was one of them. I can't recall the exact timing, but they had just moved into a new house. RE CV was out and we fired it up.

I ran around a corner when the first jump scare was thrown into my lap. One of the dogs busted out of a grate and the controller jerked forward out of my hands. As it crashed on the cement floor in the basement my good ole pal was not happy with me.

That was a funny moment in life. I still own the game but I'd be afraid to replay without resentment.
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I've said this before and it's probably reductive, but I feel like they were trying to crib off the MGSs of the world, both in terms of action and story. What I don't get is why Nighty forgives CV its own blockbuster action trappings, Tyrants on a plane y'all, when RE3 is still WAY grittier and meaner from a horror standpoint. Like, that game feels like it's covered in dirt and you literally end up underground and at a garbage facility where they're processing illegal bio waste while fending off Umbrella's scumbag merc killers. Just literally and figuratively nasty stuff. By comparison, CV is like straight up sci-fi with some light gothic elements once you get past the prison.

Yeah. It's hard not to feel like at some point in CV the developers stopped taking it seriously. That's how you end up with discount Dario Argento plots and characters, soap opera romance, and magical super viruses. Not to mention American Action Hero Chris Redfield, who's not punching boulders yet but can fly a fighter plane without training.

BTW, I actually finished that shitty RE8 Rose DLC and just when it got interesting (Eveline!) it abruptly ended!

:ganishka: Of course.

Also, all this talk about where the series went wrong with CV/RE4 makes me long for classic Resident Evil's TRUE successor: Leon's Mansion! :judo:

There's a "dream game" I'd like to play.

Same, man.
This qualifies both as What I've Been Watching and a YouTube post:

It's a lengthy (20ish hours?) documentary series about the making of Psychonauts 2 at Double Fine Productions. And while I've never played Psychonauts and don't even particularly love Double Fine's games (@Griffith I think you're a big fan though?) , what's fascinating about this documentary is the level of access and openness by the team as they try to make a follow-up to a beloved game. It captures the successes, failures, highs, lows, drama, comedy—all the muck of having creative minds forced to work together to create something. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to see how games get made from start to finish by a relatively big team.
Yeah. It's hard not to feel like at some point in CV the developers stopped taking it seriously. That's how you end up with discount Dario Argento plots and characters, soap opera romance, and magical super viruses.

One thing that inadvertently hurt the atmosphere that wasn't their fault: the Dreamcast's graphics were too good looking! The ugly pixelated textures stretching over polygons on PlayStation actually helped the literally gritty look of the PSX trilogy. By contrast, CV on the Dreamcast and PS2 looked too smooth, clean, and sterile compared to the original games' iconic aesthetic.

Not to mention American Action Hero Chris Redfield, who's not punching boulders yet but can fly a fighter plane without training.

How about his reintroduction to the series here: just casually free climbing a jutting 70 degree cliff face! :guts: Dock the boat or make landfall on the beach, Chris (some CV truther better not "um, actually" me about how the prison island only has cliff faces =)!

Anyway, it's a far cry from this schlubby guy:


My kind of hero.

Same, man.

Maybe they'll include it as RE4make DLC; let's get our hopes up for sure! :ganishka:

I've never played Psychonauts and don't even particularly love Double Fine's games (@Griffith I think you're a big fan though?)

I'm in the same boat as you actually, I'm more a fan of the LucasArt's games from Tim Shafer's days there that they've remastered: Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, etc. Those are the only "Double Fine games" I've really played, but I am a big fan of those.
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Has anyone seen the latest season of Leo The Truck or Talking Tom Heroes? :troll: :judo:

Thankfully not, my daughter has graduated to girlhood and is all into Barbie's n' shit now, which I feel I have the right to keep fully at arm's length. There is a lot of Daniel Tiger playing though, who I used to hate because he's a whiny little weiner, but, it's basically the only show my infant son likes and my daughter still likes, and actually teaches them not to be brats. My heart sank with shame though when I realized it had been trying to do the same for me all this time as Daddy Tiger calmly explained to Daniel that of course he wants to spend time with him, but has work to do and can't do two things at once, and that's frustrating. Fuck, that's a much better way to handle it than saying, "Not now, daddy's busy!" :ganishka:

Anyway, they're getting a joint Daniel Tiger-themed birthday party.
My kid is really into The Aristrocats, having watched it 28 times. Do I mind it? Not one bit. Honestly, an underrated classic. Cats playing jazz and murdering butlers in a kids movie? I'm there for it.

Thankfully not, my daughter has graduated to girlhood and is all into Barbie's n' shit now, which I feel I have the right to keep fully at arm's length. There is a lot of Daniel Tiger playing though, who I used to hate because he's a whiny little weiner, but, it's basically the only show my infant son likes and my daughter still likes, and actually teaches them not to be brats. My heart sank with shame though when I realized it had been trying to do the same for me all this time as Daddy Tiger calmly explained to Daniel that of course he wants to spend time with him, but has work to do and can't do two things at once, and that's frustrating. Fuck, that's a much better way to handle it than saying, "Not now, daddy's busy!" :ganishka:
I'm glad you came around on Daniel Tiger. It's a show that makes me wish my daughter watched more or it (or, please anything but Blippi! Seriously, fuck that guy. Who does he think he is making so much garbage and getting million dollar deals with HBO? That fucking hack.).

I honestly can't stand the show Bluey. Who does that dog think he is telling me how to do things?

Anyway, they're getting a joint Daniel Tiger-themed birthday party.
We are doing Aristrocat themed.
My kid is really into The Aristrocats, having watched it 28 times. Do I mind it? Not one bit. Honestly, an underrated classic. Cats playing jazz and murdering butlers in a kids movie? I'm there for it.

Damn, that's a deep cut. I take it you're having to make all the birthday stuff yourself, or does Disney just have it for every one of their movies in perpetuity? :ganishka:

I'm glad you came around on Daniel Tiger. It's a show that makes me wish my daughter watched more or it (or, please anything but Blippi! Seriously, fuck that guy. Who does he think he is making so much garbage and getting million dollar deals with HBO? That fucking hack.).

I honestly can't stand the show Bluey. Who does that dog think he is telling me how to do things?

Yeah, I appreciate that there's way worse stuff to have on, like the aforementioned Leo and all that oddball shit. YouTube Kids (on topic!) is just full of scary, crazy people making seizure-inducing DIY kids content for ADHD sufferers (otherwise they will have it after =). I'm not even on board with Sesame Street anymore; like, is Elmo really so popular, or is he just being shoved down our throats all the time? I think the kids rather watch Donkey Hodie.
I've said this before and it's probably reductive, but I feel like they were trying to crib off the MGSs of the world, both in terms of action and story. What I don't get is why Nighty forgives CV its own blockbuster action trappings, Tyrants on a plane y'all, when RE3 is still WAY grittier and meaner from a horror standpoint.
We've discussed this before, and I agree the story is ridiculous, Steve is annoying, etc... but I forgave all of that because atmosphere matters most for me, and CV has two of my favorite elements from the classic RE era: the soundtrack and the dynamic camera. Could I play it again and feel the same as I did back then? No, and I never replay games, so my opinions on this subject are that of a late teenager. :sweatdrop:

RE1 is still the best, RE2 the most polished, CV my guilty pleasure (just like DS2 :troll:).
RE3 had Nemesis, nothing else, I was bored the entire time, glad it was short. RE4 was a revolutionary game, but it wasn't RE anymore. I checked out of the series after that.
Also, all this talk about where the series went wrong with CV/RE4 makes me long for classic Resident Evil's TRUE successor: Leon's Mansion! :judo:

There's a "dream game" I'd like to play.
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Damn, that's a deep cut. I take it you're having to make all the birthday stuff yourself, or does Disney just have it for every one of their movies in perpetuity? :ganishka:
So far, we just have a cake. Maybe I'll print some Aristrocats themed pages for kids to color? That movie is too good for Disney.

Yeah, I appreciate that there's way worse stuff to have on, like the aforementioned Leo and all that oddball shit. YouTube Kids (on topic!) is just full of scary, crazy people making seizure-inducing DIY kids content for ADHD sufferers (otherwise they will have it after =). I'm not even on board with Sesame Street anymore; like, is Elmo really so popular, or is he just being shoved down our throats all the time? I think the kids rather watch Donkey Hodie.
My kid can't stand Elmo. But there are times I am just asking for anything with real value. Like you point out, these are the biggest offenders, bring these people before the ICC:
And this (how does this escape Copywrite laws? No way it passes fair use.):

Ya know, it took me way too long to realize the show isn't named that way just because it's about a donkey named Hodie.
It took me a second to realize this while watching commercials on TV.
We've discussed this before, and I agree the story is ridiculous, Steve is annoying, etc... but I forgave all of that because atmosphere matters most for me, and CV has two of my favorite elements from the classic RE era: the soundtrack and the dynamic camera. Could I play it again and feel the same as I did back then? No, and I never replay games, so my opinions on this subject are that of a late teenager. :sweatdrop:

I think this is as close as we'll ever get to a CV mea culpa from you and it only took 15 years of us having the same conversation! Yeah, in retrospect these games aren't nearly as great as when you're a teenager (that's when RE2 really hit for me), and I'll reciprocate that CV is a guilty pleasure of mine as well, though I've actually replayed it multiple times, so I'm the true CV fanboy here. I wish I could quit you, Steve.

RE1 is still the best, RE2 the most polished

I just simplify the list by having RE2 as both (zapping system, bro, the epitome of gaming technology :badbone:)! What's funny is those two are arguably the best twice with their remakes being respectively top of the heap as well.

CV my guilty pleasure (just like DS2 :troll:).

Why feel guilty about that? True light is found in the darkest Souls.:carcus:

But there are times I am just asking for anything with real value. Like you point out, these are the biggest offenders, bring these people before the ICC:


Even the "real shows" have a lot of variance in value, like OG Odd Squad is very entertaining, but the supposed focus on math is completely useless horseshit.

And this (how does this escape Copywrite laws? No way it passes fair use.):

Yeah... or just the standard of YouTube monetization? Maybe the copyright owners' don't strike it because it's essentially free advertising for all the toys and shit. They probably make all this crap themselves and pretend it's all a DIY passion projects like infomercials for kids. =)
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Yeah... or just the standard of YouTube monetization? Maybe the copyright owners' don't strike it because it's essentially free advertising for all the toys and shit. They probably make all this crap themselves and pretend it's all a DIY passion projects like infomercials for kids. =)
This is the one conspiracy theory I'm thinking is legitimate.