Adventures in YouTube

The US is currently having lots of issues over which way is the right way to protest something. While the people on the news are pretty much scum, other less radical war protests have been recently been going on at soldier's funerals, which is pretty insensitive if you ask me. It's not like the soldiers necessarily wanted to support the war, but since they were in the army it ws that or be court marshalled. What's worse is some of the misdirected hate over the recent immigration laws (i.e., illegal immigrants can now go to prison). There's been the usual bit of Bush hating, even though he himself opposes those laws. The US seems to have contracted some serious ignorance problems as of late. [/rant]

Anyway, you can't sue people for protesting in the US, though the report mentions banning protesting around funerals, which I think is a great idea.

BTW, those placards are dead serious.

Sorry to derail the topic a bit, don't be lame like me. :puck:
Vaxillus said:
Anyway, you can't sue people for protesting in the US, though the report mentions banning protesting around funerals, which I think is a great idea.

Well, protesting or not they're disturbing a guy's funeral... If it was my brother I'd beat the shit of out these assholes, including the kids. Even for the non-lunatics, if they're against the war they should protest in front of the white house or something but not there, that's fucked up. But yeah, let's not start a huge polemic...
Isn't this the same woman who sometimes makes appearances on Howard Stern?

I dont watch Fox News much (sometimes I'll watch O'Reily just for a laugh) but I'm glad at least Hannity and Colmes told her what for.
Vaxillus said:

Wow.. I honestly think people like that should all just be rounded up and put in a space shuttle headed straight towards the moon.. I lost a close friend of mine IN the war in Iraq, so it REALLY pisses me off to see these.. "people" doing these things. Not everyone believes in THEIR damn religion.

Just, ahg.. I better stop here before I say some really inappropriate things and ramble on... :chomp:
IsolatioN said:
Just, ahg.. I better stop here before I say some really inappropriate things and ramble on...  :chomp:

Are you seriously mad because of this? You should know better than that. I don't know what's worst, the interview or the fact that they even decided to "debate" a member of this so-called group on national television.
Nomad said:
Are you seriously mad because of this? You should know better than that. I don't know what's worst, the interview or the fact that they even decided to "debate" a member of this so-called group on national television.

Yes, yes I am. I lost a friend because of the war and it is really upsetting to see people doing this at a FUNERAL. I'm not like 'grrr rip my hair out" mad, but it is really frusterating.. Guess it's too difficult for me to explain. Anyways, im dropping it now.

Pretty neat video, Yami no Tsubasa.
This might prove mild entertainment for fun. I got a laugh when my brother came across it.

Crazy Pig
I've got a burning desire to make an Anime Music Video set to a higher-quality version of this musical piece. I will entitle it: Vox pisces.
I like these ones;