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Delta Phi said:
I haven't seen anyone talk about this, but here's the Hunter's Mark from the game. It's also used as the save notification.


At this point we should just expect these influences in each game, but this is probably one of the more obvious ones.

It's been discussed on reddit for a few months, and my resistance to saying things like this are direct influences from Berserk has become pretty unpopular. This just looks like a rune, to me. To make it look like the Brand, you have to flip it, then draw additional lines to the bottom. Whereas here's a rune (lower-right) that looks far more similar to the one depicted in Bloodborne.

Does the Hunter's Mark function like the brand does? Because that'd be different...

And then there's also this: and while my first inclination is to say, well, it's a skinless dog with a crazy mouth, the design for the eyes DOES seem pretty similar.
Walter said:
It's been discussed on reddit for a few months, and my resistance to saying things like this are direct influences from Berserk has become pretty unpopular. This just looks like a rune, to me. To make it look like the Brand, you have to flip it, then draw additional lines to the bottom. Whereas here's a rune (lower-right) that looks far more similar to the one depicted in Bloodborne.

Ah yeah, that's true. Good point. I briefly considered that maybe it's closer to a rune than the brand right after I posted.

Walter said:
Does the Hunter's Mark function like the brand does? Because that'd be different...

Unfortunately, no. It does, however, function like the Dark Sign in DkS. I should have done a bit more research. I admit, I haven't been reading item descriptions as much, but apparently the description even calls it a rune, though it does say it's "dangling, upside-down". Eh, I think you're right on this one, Walter.

At this point there's just a natural desire to look for the connections between both media; you know, drawing connections that may or may not actually be there.
Here it is! Opinion time update.

I am over half way through bloodborne. How do I know this? The internet must be right. If you are standing by thinking about buying this let me give you the spoiler free rundown and harsh criticism from someone who fell in love with the soul games. I love each for different reasons. Here we go.

Lets start with atmosphere. Something most would be able to tell you. This is like nightmare creatures meets sleepy hollow. They don't change so much vs the soul series, which is fine. I myself enjoy going through caves, dungeons, ice, fire, castles, and so on. The levels aren't quite as diverse as the "other" games yet it does enough to feel like a living breathing hell hole. Think skyrim for the change in scenery. Coffins are everywhere. You might wonder if everyone who has ever died is leaned up against a wall.

Weapons and items and armor! There are tons of we....nope, there is not. Cosmetics for armor. Thats what you'll be dealing with. You would wonder why hunters want to look so similar. With as many weapons as one assassins creed and as many outfits to boot! Crafting is essential, but but but I still have my first weapon. Gun play, dodge, hit, dodge, kill. You know the drill. Items are confusing in description at first. You will literally believe you'll turn into a monster by some wording. You don't. Not to any substantial degree.

Enemies! Diversity, not only for them but the bosses. The hair engines. Just wait till you see it moving like foliage in the wind! I have no complaints here. Great work.

Co op! Unless I'm wrong here and I might be, you will never be invaded unless you get help from another and GOOD LUCK figuring that out without your phone. Maybe I'm wrong, but I haven't been invaded once. Speaking of confusing, this is a souls game, so prepare for...

Confusion! Immerse yourself with time consuming scratching of the head for all the right reasons. Chalice Dungeons? Haven't touched one. We are ripe with optional bosses and shortcuts. Shortcuts literally everywhere in the game. Maybe I'm forgetting but you can get to any boss in about 30 seconds with the proper shortcut. There was this special "ign" editor (a site that went to shit years ago) who wrote an article with his frustration of being a hack with games that weren't for him by slamming the game when infact he just couldn't find shortcuts. This may not be everyones cup of tea but I've never read such whiney journalism ever.

Souls feel
Combat is tight
Creepy atmosphere
Interesting lore
Pretty (in the I love bad dreams sense :slan::ubik::void::femto:)

Confusing multiplayer (at first)
Smaller arsenal and cosplay
Resting at bonfire equivalent takes you back to hub (ugh)
Load times (not as bad as they are described)

Hope this helps. Great game, but a little underwhelming after living in the soul universe this long. That's right, soul game. :troll:
After finishing Hotline Miami 2, I jumped into Bloodborne and so far (i'm level 22), i love it.
I kept the same weapon from the begining (the Threaded Cane) and i love it so much, i don't think i'm gonna change any time soon. And honestly, i like the idea to have only one weapon, get attached to it as a companion :guts:
Great mechanics, great game.

I tried 4-5 time until defeating
Cleric beast
then i beated
Reverend Gascagione
at the very first encounter without being prepared. I suppose i had the time to learn the basics :void:

Are you switching weapons or do you keep your first one ?
It is a fact that Hidetaka Miyazaki has said he took inspiration from Berserk for Dark Souls (this was concerning the onion armor). Also I think it is pretty safe to presume a lot of the staff read Berserk. As we all know FROM SOFTWARE is based in Japan and are making medieval fantasy based games, I think Berserk is one of their biggest sources of inspiration.

I think that rune is a tribute or a nod of respect (whatever is the right term here) towards Berserk. I have absolutely no proof of this but taken into account that there are major Berserk fans in the company I would say it is not so far fetched. To be honest there is probably a higher chance of this being a direct Berserk reference rather than the artist just happened to make the rune look very similar to the brand.
asic said:
It is a fact that Hidetaka Miyazaki has said he took inspiration from Berserk for Dark Souls (this was concerning the onion armor).

That's not exactly what's conveyed in the artbook interview, which I shared with the forum last year when it was first published in the US. One of Dark Souls' many producers came to him with a design, and Miyazaki said it reminded him of Bazuso's armor from Berserk. Miyazaki's readiness in using Bazuso's name implies a familiarity with the series, but that's about it.

There are several Berserk-like things in Souls. But there are also many, many original designs. I think at a certain point, you have to allow that the designers at From probably have a wider array of influences, in addition to their own ideas. It annoys me when fans are so eager to see Berserk everywhere in the Souls games, because it detracts from what From Software has done on their own.

Also I think it is pretty safe to presume a lot of the staff read Berserk. As we all know FROM SOFTWARE is based in Japan and are making medieval fantasy based games, I think Berserk is one of their biggest sources of inspiration.

Actually, straight from Miyazaki's mouth, one of the series' primary inspirations was old tabletop games and fantasy books, like these. I believe Miyazaki also said reading those foreign works without a full grasp of English is what inspired the fragmented descriptions of things in the games.

I think that rune is a tribute or a nod of respect (whatever is the right term here) towards Berserk. I have absolutely no proof of this but taken into account that there are major Berserk fans in the company I would say it is not so far fetched. To be honest there is probably a higher chance of this being a direct Berserk reference rather than the artist just happened to make the rune look very similar to the brand.

You're free to feel that way, there being no confirmation one way or the other. I just prefer to give From a little bit more credit for their designs.
asic said:
I think that rune is a tribute or a nod of respect (whatever is the right term here) towards Berserk.

I would have to agree with this, if only because of the fact the Darksign from Dark Souls already felt like it was inspired by the Brand to me. This seems like it's building up on that previous inspiration.

That being said, in general I agree with Walter that people shouldn't try too hard to find connexions in everything.
asic said:
It is a fact that Hidetaka Miyazaki has said he took inspiration from Berserk for Dark Souls (this was concerning the onion armor). Also I think it is pretty safe to presume a lot of the staff read Berserk. As we all know FROM SOFTWARE is based in Japan and are making medieval fantasy based games, I think Berserk is one of their biggest sources of inspiration.

I think that rune is a tribute or a nod of respect (whatever is the right term here) towards Berserk. I have absolutely no proof of this but taken into account that there are major Berserk fans in the company I would say it is not so far fetched. To be honest there is probably a higher chance of this being a direct Berserk reference rather than the artist just happened to make the rune look very similar to the brand.

I have seen little to no references in this game. You could produce assumptions, but they're no where near as obvious like dark souls. Nothing has stuck out to me, rune included.
Have Miura ever made any comment regarding the Souls series ? Do you guys think Bloodborne can be his type of gaming experience ?
ryOtoha said:
Have Miura ever made any comment regarding the Souls series ?


Do you guys think Bloodborne can be his type of gaming experience ?

The only RPGs I can recall him commenting on are Dragon Quest. But yeah, I can see how he might get a kick out of From Software's stuff.
Hey folks.

Anyone beat the game yet? I was about to wrap up and found out I missed 3 separate bosses. Getting old...

The only thing I oddly miss is the equipment burden and being able to upgrade armor.

This is an absolute ball to play but feels like it's missing some very little things here and there.
Proj2501 said:
This is an absolute ball to play but feels like it's missing some very little things here and there.

You hit the nail on the head right there. I'm at the last main boss and last optional boss. Running around finishing my platinum nonsense. I'll help people co op but doubt I'll play it through again.
We're in the exact same situation then. Came soooo close killing a certain
Daughter of the Cosmos
earlier on my own.

Is trying to summon people is brutal or is it just me?
Just came across this
So I am about three hours into the DLC the old hunter. Let me just say, worth every penny. It is so well put together. Everything you would come to expect from Miyazaki and his team. I just popped on the berserk sound track and went to town. I highly recommend this DLC, its 20 bucks well spent.
I'm playing "The Old Hunters" now, it's little late, I know, I had this game already in 2015, but it was for such a nice price at Playstation Store and I couldn't resist. With DLC Bloodborne is a lot better, bosses are the hardest in the whole series, locations are awesome, their design is top quality, and monsters are really absolutely terrifying. 9.5/10 for DLC, also I prefer fast combat in Bloodborne rather than slow, but more strategic combat in Dark Souls.