Grail said:Thanks Walter! I haven't played any of the Max Payne games before, should I invest in the whole series and play from the beginning?
Max Payne 3 isn't directly connected to the previous games. I think there's a bit of a recap just to explain his emotional state at the beginning of the game, but no I don't think it's necessary to appreciate the third game.Grail said:Thanks Walter! I haven't played any of the Max Payne games before, should I invest in the whole series and play from the beginning?
These days I already own pretty much everything that I want, so I just pick up small things for under $10. Once every big sale I'll buy something $20 or more. That's pretty much it.Truder said:Try and resist temptations Walter! You dont need to buy dozens of amazing games at low-low prices!
As the self-declared #1 Dark Souls Fan on SKnet, I will buy Dark Souls for the first person in this thread to post their Steam name.Truder said:Darks Souls on sale for $7.49 on Steam right now. jump on that!
To send the gift, you'll need to either accept my invitation on Steam (last logged in 1 year ago?!) or send me your email address via PM.IncantatioN said:godgrave is me, thanks for the offer. I just realized, last time I played a game on Steam was a long long time ago.
No, Dark Souls is not the worst game ever... I actually consider it to be the best game of the generation.But I'll fix that and play DS till it breaks me. Isn't it the worst game ever ?!
Needs to be a 360 controller for Windows (Amazon link: Otherwise you will have to buy a separate USB adapter that wirelessly connects the controller to the PC.IncantatioN said:Hmmmm ... I don't have an Xbox 360 controller, I can pick one up over the weekend, there's a Gamestop close by.
I don't think I ever yelled or anything while playing Dark Souls. There were certainly challenging moments for sure, but the game always allows you a second chance to collect anything you lost in death. If you screw that up though, you do lose stuff (you can always just farm some enemies to get back souls though...).Right again, I did mean challenging or hard. I gave Dark Souls and Demon Souls as a present to a friend about a year ago. He told me it was hard and I might throw my gaming system out of the window. I don't have THAT level of game rage, I reckon the worse it could do is give me a headache haha.
Yep yep, it worked and downloaded it this morning. Thanks for the game!Walter said:Okay, it's sent to the email address you provided. Hope that's the one associated with your Steam account.
Sweet, that helps. Took a print out to take with me when I go to buy it.Needs to be a 360 controller for Windows (Amazon link: Otherwise you will have to buy a separate USB adapter that wirelessly connects the controller to the PC.
Aaaah. Playing it should be fun then ^_^. I'll keep you guys posted of my progress soon.I don't think I ever yelled or anything while playing Dark Souls. There were certainly challenging moments for sure, but the game always allows you a second chance to collect anything you lost in death. If you screw that up though, you do lose stuff (you can always just farm some enemies to get back souls though...).