Driving Berserk Billboard

hello everyone,

i cant draw as good as some,

i do write good short stories,

but not Berserk caliber,

but i did use my creative mind to come up with something cool,

actually ive had it done for a while, but,

i took a picture from the berserk manga and put it on my truck,

so my truck is like a driving Berserk billboard,

check it out!! www.evil-c.0catch.com

tell me what you think!!!!!! ;D
(no yelling at me please)


That's Hot
That's really nice. I like what u did b/c it's definetly noticeable but then again not too bold. You know, like it doesn't take up half the car ;)

nice ride ;D


Dude, that tears ASS! I wouldn't have used the Kanji though..(So people can read it)
Great, something else to make me have a wreck.

*Runs into car head on*

Hey, it happened when I was trying to read a veterans sign.  :p

Awesome work though C. ;D
why thank you all! :D

everyone is always nice :) (unless theyre mean :( (but no ones usually mean ;D (unless they hate themselves :-X (but everyone loves Berserk!! 8)))) ;)

- c
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