Aphasia said:
Yes, you are.
Not true, just look at my chat with another anonymous gamer:
Anonymous: Sorry, was playing Deus Ex. A GOOD fps. =)
Griffith: Just an appetizer for SKYRIMJOB! I couldn't hold back any longer, I had to put the hit out on that.
Anonymous: Oblivion bored me to tears, and I tried to hop back in the saddle of that game about... 3-4 times. Each time ended in utter boredom.
Griffith: Maybe I'm completely wrong about this and will be corrected, but what makes this different from every other lame Bethesda game like Oblivion and Fallout 3?
Anonymous: Vats and the damage system are all the enjoyment I got out of Fallout 3.
Griffith: It's like going back in time, and not medieval fantasy times, but to 1996... with worse dialogue choices somehow.
Anonymous: Yeah, their games are rather static. I think it was a limitation of the engine though, and Skyrim is the first game outside that engine in a while. Still, I don’t quite understand the excitement.
Griffith: Greetings stranger, I'm a poorly lit NPC that looks like shit with an uncanny face and bad voice, would you like to engage in some limited and inconsequential dialogue? You can insult me over and over and I'll still respond to you happily the next time we talk, even if it's a second later.
Griffith: Here’s a plot choice you can make during our conversation... of course, by “choice” I mean the same thing will happen either way, but you decide how convoluted it is.
Anonymous: You can either kill the guy now, or go through a series of tepid tasks before being forced to kill the guy. Quest line.
Griffith: I need you to do the same 10,000 quests that are in all these games. If you take the 100,000 hours to complete them, you get the BIGGEST LOSER achievement!
Aphasia said:
I don't think it makes much sense to compare TES to Everquest. TES has always been a solo affair. I'll admit the series is a bit camp. Barbarians and elves and wizards and dragons. There's nothing new, but the way the content is presented is what makes it interesting. Exploration and atmosphere are my favorite parts of a game, and TES has always delivered those in spades.
That's where I disagree though, maybe Skyrim will be different, but while Oblivian and Fallout 3 technically look good, after playing games with a cinematic-style presentation like Mass Effect, you see there's almost no style to these at all. I walked in on my dad playing New Vegas and was shocked at what utter shit some ghoul he was talking to looked like. The presentation was bad, and the conversation was worse. I asked, "Why do people think this is good?" He didn't have an answer.
Aphasia said:
What you find boring about the series is likely what I find to be exciting.
The tedious conversation and repetitive combat? Actually, I don't mind repetitive combat, but I've grown super wearing of worthless NPC-speak.
Aphasia said:
In addition to that, I've got a bit of a crush on the series. Something to do with nostalgia and Morrowind. So when I see a dunmer I get all school-girly.
Morrowind is nostalgic? What about Daggerfall, the series' true masterpiece!?
Aphasia said:
I can't really fault to the people who enjoy pseudo realistic military shooters. Does popularity really matter? I've never taken the time to think about it.
It does in what's arguably a zero-sum game. Developers are going to keep milking these games if they can instead of exploring more creative alternatives. The flipside is the argument that they're growing the entire market, so those creative alternatives get to come along for the ride anyway. So, here's to FOOTBALL '12 and Soldier Sniffer '12, as well as the latest Elder Scrolls: Uncanny Valley.
Aphasia said:
It's like Harry Potter or Twilight...Obviously people enjoy them, but I couldn't care less what people choose to enjoy. Or are you sad because the masses are missing out on better alternatives? If there's an open-world FP RPG better than TES please point me in that direction!
Yeah, they're called games that aren't strictly open-world fantasy FP RPGs. =)
I feel like this was a genre that had a ton of potential, it sort of reached it, and now it's just doing the same shit over and over or arguably going backward. Time to make another major leap or just stop already.
Aphasia said:
Besides! This one is totally different! It has DRAGONS!
I'm glad we're not taking this too seriously; or, at least don't take
me too seriously.
Oburi said:
Simply said, I don't it find it boring at all. I understand Bethesada's games are not exciting for everyone but for me it's total immersion. Like Darklink said it's the one single player game that is sure to draw me in and allow me as a gamer to get lost in the world they have built (the good kind of lost).
I could spend all day talking about why I love the games so much but most of the reasons are the obvious ones and it's been a long time since Oblivion. Fallout 3 was great but it's not exactly the same.
And yes, I too have some childhood nostalgia.
I actually find that these games are getting less immersive, not more. Speaking of zero-sum games, it's almost like the more the the graphical power improves is at the expense of everything else (and yet the visual style leaves something to be desired to me, so it's lose/lose). The game I probably got most immersed in was Fallout 2, and it sure didn't have anything to do with the graphics. Ironically, I always dreamed of it being done in first person; how amazing would that be? Well, not as good as it turned out, and not because the graphics were still lacking, but everything else was. Anyway, to each his own, I just don't understand why people are so excited about Daggerfall 3 in this day and age... when they could be playing Mega Man 10!