Games to look forward to!

I can't stands no more! Am I the only one that thinks Skyrim is to Everquest what these dumb modern military shooters are to Counterstrike? My disdain isn't so much for the game itself or people simply wanting to play it, but the idea that another boring-ass Bethesada rpg like every other one they've ever done is supposedly the most anticipated game ever makes me feel... bleh!
Griffith said:
I can't stands no more! Am I the only one that thinks Skyrim is to Everquest what these dumb modern military shooters are to Counterstrike? My disdain isn't so much for the game itself or people simply wanting to play it, but the idea that another boring-ass Bethesada rpg like every other one they've ever done is supposedly the most anticipated game ever makes me feel... bleh!

Yes, you are. :guts: I don't think it makes much sense to compare TES to Everquest. TES has always been a solo affair. I'll admit the series is a bit camp. Barbarians and elves and wizards and dragons. There's nothing new, but the way the content is presented is what makes it interesting. Exploration and atmosphere are my favorite parts of a game, and TES has always delivered those in spades. What you find boring about the series is likely what I find to be exciting. In addition to that, I've got a bit of a crush on the series. Something to do with nostalgia and Morrowind. So when I see a dunmer I get all school-girly.

I can't really fault to the people who enjoy pseudo realistic military shooters. Does popularity really matter? I've never taken the time to think about it. It's like Harry Potter or Twilight...Obviously people enjoy them, but I couldn't care less what people choose to enjoy. Or are you sad because the masses are missing out on better alternatives? If there's an open-world FP RPG better than TES please point me in that direction!

Besides! This one is totally different! It has DRAGONS! :griffnotevil:

Oburi said:
Well besides those two like I said earlier Arkham City is going to be a smash. And it's suppose to be long, especially if your one to search out all collectables and hidden items. But you know you're right, everything at this point is just killing time until Skyrim. The game casts such a shadow over everything else it's crazy, for me at least.

Arkham City looks stunning. The voice acting really brings it to life...Batman! Alfred! The Joker! And the music sounds top notch, too. They really put a lot of emphasis on creating the perfect batman mood. Another one to keep an eye out for is Anarchy Reigns. Platinum makes such kick-ass action games.
Griffith said:
I can't stands no more! Am I the only one that thinks Skyrim is to Everquest what these dumb modern military shooters are to Counterstrike? My disdain isn't so much for the game itself or people simply wanting to play it, but the idea that another boring-ass Bethesada rpg like every other one they've ever done is supposedly the most anticipated game ever makes me feel... bleh!

Simply said, I don't it find it boring at all. I understand Bethesada's games are not exciting for everyone but for me it's total immersion. Like Darklink said it's the one single player game that is sure to draw me in and allow me as a gamer to get lost in the world they have built (the good kind of lost).
I could spend all day talking about why I love the games so much but most of the reasons are the obvious ones and it's been a long time since Oblivion. Fallout 3 was great but it's not exactly the same.

And yes, I too have some childhood nostalgia. :guts:
Aphasia said:
Yes, you are. :guts:

Not true, just look at my chat with another anonymous gamer:

Anonymous: Sorry, was playing Deus Ex. A GOOD fps. =)

Griffith: Just an appetizer for SKYRIMJOB! I couldn't hold back any longer, I had to put the hit out on that.

Anonymous: Oblivion bored me to tears, and I tried to hop back in the saddle of that game about... 3-4 times. Each time ended in utter boredom.

Griffith: Maybe I'm completely wrong about this and will be corrected, but what makes this different from every other lame Bethesda game like Oblivion and Fallout 3?

Anonymous: Vats and the damage system are all the enjoyment I got out of Fallout 3.

Griffith: It's like going back in time, and not medieval fantasy times, but to 1996... with worse dialogue choices somehow.

Anonymous: Yeah, their games are rather static. I think it was a limitation of the engine though, and Skyrim is the first game outside that engine in a while. Still, I don’t quite understand the excitement.

Griffith: Greetings stranger, I'm a poorly lit NPC that looks like shit with an uncanny face and bad voice, would you like to engage in some limited and inconsequential dialogue? You can insult me over and over and I'll still respond to you happily the next time we talk, even if it's a second later.


Griffith: Here’s a plot choice you can make during our conversation... of course, by “choice” I mean the same thing will happen either way, but you decide how convoluted it is.

Anonymous: You can either kill the guy now, or go through a series of tepid tasks before being forced to kill the guy. Quest line.

Griffith: I need you to do the same 10,000 quests that are in all these games. If you take the 100,000 hours to complete them, you get the BIGGEST LOSER achievement!

Aphasia said:
I don't think it makes much sense to compare TES to Everquest. TES has always been a solo affair. I'll admit the series is a bit camp. Barbarians and elves and wizards and dragons. There's nothing new, but the way the content is presented is what makes it interesting. Exploration and atmosphere are my favorite parts of a game, and TES has always delivered those in spades.

That's where I disagree though, maybe Skyrim will be different, but while Oblivian and Fallout 3 technically look good, after playing games with a cinematic-style presentation like Mass Effect, you see there's almost no style to these at all. I walked in on my dad playing New Vegas and was shocked at what utter shit some ghoul he was talking to looked like. The presentation was bad, and the conversation was worse. I asked, "Why do people think this is good?" He didn't have an answer.

Aphasia said:
What you find boring about the series is likely what I find to be exciting.

The tedious conversation and repetitive combat? Actually, I don't mind repetitive combat, but I've grown super wearing of worthless NPC-speak.

Aphasia said:
In addition to that, I've got a bit of a crush on the series. Something to do with nostalgia and Morrowind. So when I see a dunmer I get all school-girly.

Morrowind is nostalgic? What about Daggerfall, the series' true masterpiece!? :iva:

Aphasia said:
I can't really fault to the people who enjoy pseudo realistic military shooters. Does popularity really matter? I've never taken the time to think about it.

It does in what's arguably a zero-sum game. Developers are going to keep milking these games if they can instead of exploring more creative alternatives. The flipside is the argument that they're growing the entire market, so those creative alternatives get to come along for the ride anyway. So, here's to FOOTBALL '12 and Soldier Sniffer '12, as well as the latest Elder Scrolls: Uncanny Valley.

Aphasia said:
It's like Harry Potter or Twilight...Obviously people enjoy them, but I couldn't care less what people choose to enjoy. Or are you sad because the masses are missing out on better alternatives? If there's an open-world FP RPG better than TES please point me in that direction!

Yeah, they're called games that aren't strictly open-world fantasy FP RPGs. =)

I feel like this was a genre that had a ton of potential, it sort of reached it, and now it's just doing the same shit over and over or arguably going backward. Time to make another major leap or just stop already.

Aphasia said:
Besides! This one is totally different! It has DRAGONS! :griffnotevil:

I'm glad we're not taking this too seriously; or, at least don't take me too seriously. :griffnotevil:

Oburi said:
Simply said, I don't it find it boring at all. I understand Bethesada's games are not exciting for everyone but for me it's total immersion. Like Darklink said it's the one single player game that is sure to draw me in and allow me as a gamer to get lost in the world they have built (the good kind of lost).
I could spend all day talking about why I love the games so much but most of the reasons are the obvious ones and it's been a long time since Oblivion. Fallout 3 was great but it's not exactly the same.

And yes, I too have some childhood nostalgia. :guts:

I actually find that these games are getting less immersive, not more. Speaking of zero-sum games, it's almost like the more the the graphical power improves is at the expense of everything else (and yet the visual style leaves something to be desired to me, so it's lose/lose). The game I probably got most immersed in was Fallout 2, and it sure didn't have anything to do with the graphics. Ironically, I always dreamed of it being done in first person; how amazing would that be? Well, not as good as it turned out, and not because the graphics were still lacking, but everything else was. Anyway, to each his own, I just don't understand why people are so excited about Daggerfall 3 in this day and age... when they could be playing Mega Man 10! :troll:
It does in what's arguably a zero-sum game. Developers are going to keep milking these games if they can instead of exploring more creative alternatives.

I wouldn't say Bethesda is milking Elder scrolls games. Morrowind came out in 2002, Oblivion in 2006 and now Skyrim. Unlike Call of Duty (pumping out two games every year) or Halo (saying it's the last game only less then a year later continue the series) Bethesda takes their sweet time developing these games. And when Morrowind first came out I was incredibly impressed, nothing else was quite like it. When Oblivion came out again, I thought it was great. And yes, looking back Morrowind did have its fair share of problems and so did Oblivion in different ways. I know years from now I'll look back and say the same for Skyrim, but there is no doubt that from the moment that game begins, whether I'm rotting in some ancient dungeon or a prisoner in the bowels of ship being transported to an unknown land, I'm going to be at the very least interested. From there I don't want to prejudge too harshly because obviously I havent played it, but that's why I'm anticipating it so much. I loved both previous games, sometimes for different reasons, and from the way things look Skyrim will be another great experience.
As for these games already reaching their true potential, I don't think that's the case. I'm sure everyone who loved Morrowind wished that certain things could have been improved. And in Oblivion, while some things were definitely improved, other things were lacking. Maybe Bethesda is just desperately trying to find the perfect balance, make the perfect game. I'm not complaning, three elder scrolls games since 2002? Shit, not too long, not too quick. A perfect wait if you ask me. Bethesda is quality over quantity for sure.
Griffith said:
I can't stands no more! Am I the only one that thinks Skyrim is to Everquest what these dumb modern military shooters are to Counterstrike? My disdain isn't so much for the game itself or people simply wanting to play it, but the idea that another boring-ass Bethesada rpg like every other one they've ever done is supposedly the most anticipated game ever makes me feel... bleh!

That's what i feel about games in general nowadays. I can't believe people still waste time playing games. I've a deep feeling of self-guilt for the rare times i cave in and play a new game, just to end up being disappointed. Even all the times i played online (the only way i could distract myself with a game) i can easily connect them to a period of total lack of motivation and creativity in my life. Point is, boring people play games.
Sounds like a personal problem. I have a great job, great girlfriend and a wonderful place to live. I go to concerts, comedy shows, the beach and this Friday I'm going hangliding. Not try to toot my own horn but I've got so much going on right now and video games still remain one of favorite hobbies and I have no intention of giving it up.

Point is, I don't play games because I'm unmotivated, boring or missing something in life, I can take drugs for that. I play games because I enjoy it, the say way I enjoy a movie or a book or a new album.
NightCrawler said:
I've a deep feeling of self-guilt for the rare times i cave in and play a new game, just to end up being disappointed.

You should feel guilty for playing Mass Effect 2 instead of 1 despite my public warnings. :azan:

NightCrawler said:
Even all the times i played online (the only way i could distract myself with a game) i can easily connect them to a period of total lack of motivation and creativity in my life. Point is, boring people play games.

No, the point is you're boring when you play games, that's why you should come post here instead. :casca:

Also, online gaming is easily its biggest cesspool. I'm probably not much different from you concerning this (I haven't bought a new system since Dreamcast), but I'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater either. Instead I've gotten highly selective. I'd rather just play the great or transcendent games, and if I miss a few good ones in order to avoid wasting time with the bad ones, so be it. Between the increasing dramatic production values of mainstream games and the increasing quality and accessibility of creative indie games, it's a great time for gaming. Maybe just not a great time for us.

Oburi said:
Point is, I don't play games because I'm unmotivated, boring or missing something in life, I can take drugs for that. I play games because I enjoy it, the say way I enjoy a movie or a book or a new album.

Agreed, and that's how it should be. What NightCrawler says is certainly true of many, but it's a broad generalization that's just as true of other media, whether you're creating it, appreciating it, or wasting time with it.
Oburi said:
Sounds like a personal problem. I have a great job, great girlfriend and a wonderful place to live. I go to concerts, comedy shows, the beach and this Friday I'm going hangliding.

Sounds pretty boring to me. I don't compare my life to those standards.

I play games because I enjoy it, the say way I enjoy a movie or a book or a new album.

Only if you enjoy stupid blockbusters, fanfiction and modern Hans Zimmer. I can't really compare a game to other art forms. I can only think of a handful of them that are worthy of that status. If you said "i enjoy playing games like i enjoy watching tv" then i would agree.

Griffith said:
You should feel guilty for playing Mass Effect 2 instead of 1 despite my public warnings. :azan:

I do.

Instead I've gotten highly selective. I'd rather just play the great or transcendent games, and if I miss a few good ones in order to avoid wasting time with the bad ones, so be it. Between the increasing dramatic production values of mainstream games and the increasing quality and accessibility of creative indie games, it's a great time for gaming. Maybe just not a great time for us.

I agree with all this. But i'm not in the loop regarding indie games. I've seen friends playing loads of indies, but i didn't see anything new or interesting, just gimmicks.

Agreed, and that's how it should be. What NightCrawler says is certainly true of many, but it's a broad generalization that's just as true of other media, whether you're creating it, appreciating it, or wasting time with it.

Yes, it is a generalization, but i don't see many flaws with it, in my perspective. I think all uninspired and plain entertainment shouldn't be worth of anyone's time, unless it's a 30sec youtube cat video :P And i truly believe the game market is absolutely mediocre for a gamer in their late 20's and upwards. Unless you're so bored you play the same games more than once. I haven't played a game that made me feel in awe since Silent Hill 2. I guess i'm jaded and old.
I play so few new games because I feel a sense of commitment when I start something new. I need to be left alone with it for a few weeks to test it, read up on it, explore the different areas, and build up a good enough understanding of the game before I can really draw a conclusion. Most games nowadays don't seem worth it, and I find myself simply ignoring the market for the most part.

Currently I've got some pressure to play The Old Republic, and I actually have some high expectations for it, but I still can't decide if I want to commit.

Also, online gaming is easily its biggest cesspool. I'm probably not much different from you concerning this (I haven't bought a new system since Dreamcast), but I'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater either. Instead I've gotten highly selective. I'd rather just play the great or transcendent games, and if I miss a few good ones in order to avoid wasting time with the bad ones, so be it. Between the increasing dramatic production values of mainstream games and the increasing quality and accessibility of creative indie games, it's a great time for gaming. Maybe just not a great time for us.

I've been looking forward to this ever since I read the title. Honestly I'm surprised at myself for how often I resort to flash or free-to-download games nowadays. I used to be so "hardcore", but these damn Escape The Room puzzles have taken ahold of me!

[edit: Sometimes I feel like my grandfather, "Why buy a damn computer when this here typewriter works just fine!"]
Only if you enjoy stupid blockbusters, fanfiction and modern Hans Zimmer. I can't really compare a game to other art forms. I can only think of a handful of them that are worthy of that status. If you said "i enjoy playing games like i enjoy watching tv" then i would agree.

:schierke: If i thought Modern Warfare 3 was the greatest game this year then I'd most likely think Transformers 3 was the best movie, and the harry potter books are the best fantasy literature. Once again, your generalizing and over simplifying.

. I guess i'm jaded and old.

Yea, if you know that then why the "generalizing" comments like
Point is, boring people play games
?? :schierke: It's so fucking stupid, not to mention off topic. But your opinion is has been duly noted.
I saw that coming, I should have warned you, Oburi. :ganishka:

NightCrawler said:
Sounds pretty boring to me. I don't compare my life to those standards.

Which raises the question what your standards are, how do you define the motivated creativity of a worthy life?

NightCrawler said:
I can't really compare a game to other art forms. I can only think of a handful of them that are worthy of that status.

Then you do compare them then (and you watch TV =).

NightCrawler said:

I know. Have you forgotten the disappointment of ME2 yet? If so, fully rejuvenate yourself with the true Mass Effect! :SK:

NightCrawler said:
I agree with all this. But i'm not in the loop regarding indie games. I've seen friends playing loads of indies, but i didn't see anything new or interesting, just gimmicks.


NightCrawler said:
Yes, it is a generalization, but i don't see many flaws with it, in my perspective. I think all uninspired and plain entertainment shouldn't be worth of anyone's time, unless it's a 30sec youtube cat video :P And i truly believe the game market is absolutely mediocre for a gamer in their late 20's and upwards. Unless you're so bored you play the same games more than once. I haven't played a game that made me feel in awe since Silent Hill 2. I guess i'm jaded and old.

Who isn't? Generalizations are inherently flawed though, especially when it comes to this kind of judgement. Anyway, there's confliction in your words, you don't sound like a man that's written off the medium; on the contrary, you're still looking for that next awe-inspiring game.
NightCrawler said:
I haven't played a game that made me feel in awe since Silent Hill 2. I guess i'm jaded and old.
'Nuff said. But I don't think "jaded and old" is an appropriate descriptor here. I think deluded and depressive might be more apt. I think launching into a defense of how awesome the games industry is these days would be a wasted effort, so I'll just go for what I think is the root problem.

Even independent of games, I get the impression that you set out to not like something even before the starting whistle is blown. The most exuberance I've seen you express here on the forums is at the expense of other people. Needless to say, maybe the problem here isn't the games industry, but with what gets you excited?
Walter said:
'Nuff said. But I don't think "jaded and old" is an appropriate descriptor here. I think deluded and depressive might be more apt. I think launching into a defense of how awesome the games industry is these days would be a wasted effort, so I'll just go for what I think is the root problem.

Even independent of games, I get the impression that you set out to not like something even before the starting whistle is blown. The most exuberance I've seen you express here on the forums is at the expense of other people. Needless to say, maybe the problem here isn't the games industry, but with what gets you excited?

I usually check the new games, so it's not like i don't know what's happening in the industry. But please, enlighten me to the awesomeness of the game industry these days. Have fps really evolved since Half-Life? What was the last good horror game? And rpg? rts? etc...
I actually buy into the hype to the point of playing the best ranking games (at least until i'm bored), so i don't go with a predisposition to not like something. Like Griffith said, i'm waiting for a game that truly leaves me impressed. But i think the comparison between tv and games isn't far-fetched. They're both escapist entertainment mediums. I don't even follow shows any more. I watched The Walking Dead because it was short. I didn't even finish Lost, i stopped watching mid-way through the last season. I can count by the fingers in my hand the only worthy shows i've watched consistently in the last 15y - The Wire, Rome, Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace - and the same goes for games.

Griffith said:
Which raises the question what your standards are, how do you define the motivated creativity of a worthy life?

I'm a musician and a director. My motivation is passion. I was a science student, and an engineering student in college, and i quit all that. I'm independent, i don't have a job, never had one, never needed and i still have integrity left in me to not cave in for financial reasons. The frailty of life is something i've experienced more than once to know that we shouldn't shelve our dreams in favor of false security (it's a cliché but it's true - don't waste your time, i've learned it the hard way). I know that i express myself in polarizing ways, but i just sense lack of spirit and authenticity a mile away.

Then you do compare them then (and you watch TV =).

I didn't explained myself like i wanted to. And i don't watch TV.

you don't sound like a man that's written off the medium; on the contrary, you're still looking for that next awe-inspiring game.

NightCrawler said:
But please, enlighten me to the awesomeness of the game industry these days.
It's pretty simple, really. Games aren't boxed, static experiences anymore. This generation of gaming has solidified online as a crucial component. No other generation was as online-centric as the one we're currently in. What that means is that you can play with your friends across the country in virtually any game available on the market. This also means new ways to play your games. The online-nature of current consoles has also led to the establishment of online stores, which, in turn, have lowered the cost and broadened the market of downloadable titles. Check out the games Microsoft has released under its Summer of Arcade promotion the past 3-4 years: Braid, Super Meat Boy, Trenched, Limbo, etc. These games wouldn't have had a market 5 years ago. They'd have drowned in the sea of AAA titles. Now they're modern classics. The same goes for the top 10 percent of the games in the iOS app store. If you just focus on the top-quality games, there's some amazing, innovative stuff coming out utterly unlike anything on other systems, and it's expanding every day.

Need I even mention what Steam has done for PC gaming and online connectivity? We're living in a PC game renaissance.

Have fps really evolved since Half-Life?
Such a loaded question... Evolved in what way? I'll answer it with an equally loaded answer: Yes.

What was the last good horror game?
Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

Mass Effect, Infinite Space. This is easy.

Company of Heroes.

I actually buy into the hype to the point of playing the best ranking games (at least until i'm bored), so i don't go with a predisposition to not like something.
*Shrug* I don't buy it.

I don't even follow shows any more. I watched The Walking Dead because it was short. I didn't even finish Lost, i stopped watching mid-way through the last season.
You sure picked some shitty shows as a basis of comparison here...

I can count by the fingers in my hand the only worthy shows i've watched consistently in the last 15y - The Wire, Rome, Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
Now we're talking, but you forgot Mad Men. Anyway, what's wrong with that? Revolutionary shows can't happen every single season. And the overall quality of TV shows has improved over the last decade, I'd say. So I don't see how having 1:20 shows being great is something to cry about. Same goes for games.
Aphasia said:
I don't think it makes much sense to compare TES to Everquest. TES has always been a solo affair.

You'd think otherwise had you played EverQuest before Morrowind. Being a solo affair doesn't change that in the least.

NightCrawler said:
I can't believe people still waste time playing games. I've a deep feeling of self-guilt for the rare times i cave in and play a new game, just to end up being disappointed.

What about wasting time posting on a forum? Especially a forum the focus of which hasn't interested you in years. Believe it or not, but commenting online (in any way whatsoever) is by far the activity I deem the most time-wasting. If it weren't for Berserk and I'd never post anywhere.

NightCrawler said:
Even all the times i played online (the only way i could distract myself with a game) i can easily connect them to a period of total lack of motivation and creativity in my life. Point is, boring people play games.

How you experience things almost always directly relates to your state of mind. You can be bored to death playing a game just like you can be enjoying your time immensely playing the same game. There's a question of personal taste of course, but beyond that it's about how you approach the experience. And it goes for games like it goes for everything else. Watching a movie, reading a book, visiting a museum, hanging out with people, even having sex. That's why you have some people who have absolutely nothing and live a life full of hardships yet are still happier than some rich folks who have everything one could hope for, but are jaded and depressed to the point that they sometimes kill themselves. It's a matter of perspective.

NightCrawler said:
I think all uninspired and plain entertainment shouldn't be worth of anyone's time, unless it's a 30sec youtube cat video :P

That's an exception that can go a long way.

NightCrawler said:
But i think the comparison between tv and games isn't far-fetched. They're both escapist entertainment mediums.

So are novels and movies and whatever other popular media (comic books) you can think of.

NightCrawler said:
I'm a musician and a director. My motivation is passion. I was a science student, and an engineering student in college, and i quit all that. I'm independent, i don't have a job, never had one, never needed and i still have integrity left in me to not cave in for financial reasons. The frailty of life is something i've experienced more than once to know that we shouldn't shelve our dreams in favor of false security (it's a cliché but it's true - don't waste your time, i've learned it the hard way).

Well I hope your art is recognized for what it is worth. It's admirable to strive for one's dreams. That being said, you should still check out Deus Ex: Human Revolution when it comes out in 10 days. :slan:

NightCrawler said:
And i don't watch TV.

You watch TV shows. Even if rarely (same here, for that matter). Not much of a difference, whether you like it or not. "Not watching TV" stopped being cool 10 years ago as far as I'm concerned.
Aazealh said:
What about wasting time posting on a forum? Especially a forum the focus of which hasn't interested you in years. Believe it or not, but commenting online (in any way whatsoever) is by far the activity I deem the most time-wasting. If it weren't for Berserk and I'd never post anywhere.

Aazealh said:
How you experience things almost always directly relates to your state of mind. You can be bored to death playing a game just like you can be enjoying your time immensely playing the same game. There's a question of personal taste of course, but beyond that it's about how you approach the experience. And it goes for games like it goes for everything else. Watching a movie, reading a book, visiting a museum, hanging out with people, even having sex. That's why you have some people who have absolutely nothing and live a life full of hardships yet are still happier than some rich folks who have everything one could hope for, but are jaded and depressed to the point that they sometimes kill themselves. It's a matter of perspective.

I can't agree more with you on the things that you pointed out in those two quotes.

Games to look forward... mmmhhh... I would say Xenoblade Chronicles, Grand Knights History and Dark Souls!
I'm looking forward to:

-Silent Hill Down Pour
-Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
-Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
-The Last Guardian
-Batman Arkham City
-The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword*
-Dead Island
-Tomb Raider*
-BioShock Infinite
-Assassin's Creed Revelations
-Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
-The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection
-Resident Evil 4 HD

The best part I think is with the exception of the new Silent Hill game, each one of these comes out before the year is over! :serpico:
Death May Die said:

-The Last Guardian
-Tomb Raider*
-BioShock Infinite

The best part I think is with the exception of the new Silent Hill game, each one of these comes out before the year is over! :serpico:
Nah, these three are all 2012 titles.
Death May Die said:
The best part I think is with the exception of the new Silent Hill game, each one of these comes out before the year is over! :serpico:

Silent Hill comes out next month.
Death May Die said:
:serpico: Ah hell. I had the impression for some reason Silent Hill was due next year. Strangely, I could have sworn I read Tomb Raider was due in September, so I double checked and IGN has the PC version due in Sept 2011, and I think its a typo. Either way, the 3rd and 4th quarters of this year are pretty jam packed.
Wouldn't rely on IGN to update their release dates. Wikipedia is more up-to-date usually. Tomb Raider was pushed back to 2012 a few months ago.

I also wouldn't be surprised to see some Q3-Q4 titles this year pushed to Q1 2012. It's happened quite a bit in the last 2 years.
I am really waiting Heroes of Might and Magic VI. I really enjoy this series.