Games to look forward to!

Theoden said:
I am really waiting Heroes of Might and Magic VI. I really enjoy this series.

Looks alright, but I wonder what the gameplay's like. I spent countless hours on Heroes II (and later on III) back in the day. Good times...
Aazealh said:
Looks alright, but I wonder what the gameplay's like. I spent countless hours on Heroes II (and later on III) back in the day. Good times...

Yea I played Heroes III way back when. Such a great game. Heroes and Age of Empires gave me years and years of great gaming. Heroes had so many fantasy creatures. I remember actually having playable Dendroids? Those tree creatures that looked like the Ents from Lord of the Rings.

Man, so many memories.
MMOs really aren't my thing, but Guild Wars 2 is looking gorgeous:
These are my must-have upcoming 3DS games:

Metal Gear Soild 3: Snake Eater 3D
Resident Evil: Revelations
Super Mario 3D Land

The maybe pile:

Star Fox 64 3D
Mario Kart 7

Street Fighter IV 3D is currently stuck in that holding pattern, I wouldn't mind having it, but I don't want it enough to spend $30+ on it. There's quite a few DS titles like that too, like New Super Mario Bros. and Mario 64. Bowser's Inside Story is currently on Amazon for $20, and I hear it's quite worth it, but I have too many games as it is right now.
Griffith said:
These are my must-have upcoming 3DS games:

Metal Gear Soild 3: Snake Eater 3D
Resident Evil: Revelations
Super Mario 3D Land
These are all buys for me. But added to that list, Kid Icarus and Luigi's Mansion 2. And of course, the inevitable Square-Enix 3D remake of FF6. :daiba:

Griffith said:
Street Fighter IV 3D is currently stuck in that holding pattern, I wouldn't mind having it, but I don't want it enough to spend $30+ on it. There's quite a few DS titles like that too, like New Super Mario Bros. and Mario 64. Bowser's Inside Story is currently on Amazon for $20, and I hear it's quite worth it, but I have too many games as it is right now.
I'm of the same opinion on SF4. I have it for PC, and Ive played it a good... twice? It's not something I feel comfortable spending $30-40 on , knowing that I'm really not the kind of guy that spends dozens of hours on fighting games.

I can vouch for Bowser's Inside Story being awesome. Definitely worth it for $20. Between New SMB and Mario 64, I'd choose Mario 64. I wasn't the hugest fan of New SMB, but I think I'm the only person that didn't enjoy it.
Dar Klink said:
Don't jinx it Walter, please. :sad:
About 10 years ago, I'd have been sweating jinxing this too. Square had taken the position that they weren't interested in remakes because they liked to "instead, focus on the future." Pfffff, 10 years later they've remade FF4 a half dozen times across several platforms, not to mention multiple re-releases of the same games, including iOS. I am not worried about future remakes. It's money in the bank, tried and true, and they know it.
I don't think there's too many SMT or Persona fans around here, but they've announced a remake of Persona 4 for Playstation Vita featuring more voiced dialogue, new characters, and whatever other new stuff they'll throw in as well as a Persona 3/4 fighting game for PS3 by the creators of Blaz Blue. Edit: OH WAIT THE FIGHTING GAME IS FOR ARCADE AND VITA NOT PS3 DAMMIT


I know I'm eating up the milking of a franchise by wanting the remake, but whatever! I'm excited and it's been 3 years since I've played the original, which is one of my favorite games. :slan:
I've never played any of the Persona games, though I should get on that. I came into possession of P3 years ago but never even touched it. I'm a big fan of the original SMT series though, and was hoping for a new installment in it but I hear we're getting a Persona 5 instead.

Super Smash brother Universe!

leaked 3rd party characters include:


-Mega Man



-Master Chief

-Gordon freeman

-Pac Man

-Cloud Strife


-Sub Zero


-Crash Bandicoot

-BAnjo and Kazooie


-Phoenix Wright

-Parrapa The Rapper

-Splosion man


-Sam Fischer


-Sack boy

-CJ from San Andreas

-Duke Nukem


-Ratchet and Klank

-Jack and Daxter

-Earth Worm Jim

-The Heavy and Sandvich

-Lara Croft



-Agent 47

Anyone getting Dark Souls. I put down five bucks for a preorder and got bumped up to the collectors edition. Haven't played Demon Souls but I'm hearing a lot of good things and it seems like it'll be a challenge.

Plus, some people who have played Demon Souls and are pulling their hair out in anticipation have said that they are passing the time of the next 11 days by reading Berserk. Sounded like a good sign to me. I guess they have similar atmosphere?
Oburi said:
Anyone getting Dark Souls. I put down five bucks for a preorder and got bumped up to the collectors edition. Haven't played Demon Souls but I'm hearing a lot of good things and it seems like it'll be a challenge.

Plus, some people who have played Demon Souls and are pulling their hair out in anticipation have said that they are passing the time of the next 11 days by reading Berserk. Sounded like a good sign to me. I guess they have similar atmosphere?
I've had Demon's Souls for a while actually, I've been playing it more lately than I had before. I'll be getting Dark Souls when it comes out as well, it has the title of "Berserk the game" for a good reason. The game is fucking hard and unforgiving though, when you die you lose all your souls(used as exp and currency) which you can get back if you found where you died before dying again, turn into a soul form with half HP, and the entire area resets so everything is respawned. It's very trial and error based. You can go back into your full HP human form after every boss you kill and with certain items. I have an image comparing stuff in the game to stuff in Berserk somewhere... I'll have to find it.
Dar Klink said:
when you die you lose all your souls(used as exp and currency) which you can get back if you found where you died before dying again, turn into a soul form with half HP, and the entire area resets so everything is respawned.

Doesn't sound too bad to me. It's like an old school MMORPG. :void:
Dark Souls is getting great reviews so far. As expected, the difficulty seems like it's been turned up to 11. Apparently, playing single player without online capabilities makes the game at least twice as difficult, which makes me almost want to upgrade my membership so I can play online. I don't really like that. I'll try playing the game on my own but if proves to be stressful I may need help.
Dar Klink said:
I've had Demon's Souls for a while actually, I've been playing it more lately than I had before. I'll be getting Dark Souls when it comes out as well, it has the title of "Berserk the game" for a good reason. The game is fucking hard and unforgiving though, when you die you lose all your souls(used as exp and currency) which you can get back if you found where you died before dying again, turn into a soul form with half HP, and the entire area resets so everything is respawned. It's very trial and error based. You can go back into your full HP human form after every boss you kill and with certain items. I have an image comparing stuff in the game to stuff in Berserk somewhere... I'll have to find it.
You mean this? Don't know if Demon's Souls was ever intentionally copying Berserk, but more in that both drew from the same sources of inspiration. Though the English description of the Dragon Bone Smasher does sound suspiciously like a shout out.

Anyway, hell yes I'm getting Dark Souls.
Looks like Silent Hill: Downpour just got pushed back to quarter one of 2012 :azan:. That's annoying considering it's had a October release date for a long time now. I even put $40 down at gamestop when I saw the title on the big board for upcoming games.

I guess it'll open up some more time to play other things, like Arkham City.
Walter said:
Font gives away nothing. I wonder what time period/location this one will take place in? I'm sort of hoping for a game set in the future, like GTA2.

One week and we'll know. The future would be very ambitious, and probably very funny. Why not. =)
I was about to make a post about this!

Yes, GTA 5 can only be great! I'm surprised they are announcing GTA 5 so soon though! I personally was looking forward to GTA 4: San Andreas II.
Truder said:
I'm surprised they are announcing GTA 5 so soon though! I personally was looking forward to GTA 4: San Andreas II.
It's not really that soon. GTA4 came out in 2008, which will be at least 4 years ago by the time this game is released. And instead of doing incremental boxed releases like in GTA3, Rockstar opted for DLC packs.
I actually never really tried the story modes from GTAIII and forward. My room mate was just telling me how they are some of his favorite stories, I guess I've been missing out? Anyway, I'm gonna get started on Red Dead Redemption soon and keep an eye on V, I'm sorta hoping for a future setting like Walter said.
Deci said:
I actually never really tried the story modes from GTAIII and forward. My room mate was just telling me how they are some of his favorite stories, I guess I've been missing out? Anyway, I'm gonna get started on Red Dead Redemption soon and keep an eye on V, I'm sorta hoping for a future setting like Walter said.

Without being masterpieces of storytelling, the stories are usually pretty good. I never quite understood the people who just "played" these games by using cheat codes and shooting cars with rocket launchers.
Aazealh said:
Without being masterpieces of storytelling, the stories are usually pretty good. I never quite understood the people who just "played" these games by using cheat codes and shooting cars with rocket launchers.

After you beat the game isn't that what it essentially boils down to?