well, judging by the number of countries that have already shown their support for the US (even cuba) i don't think many countries will stand in the way if the govt does decide to bomb the countries that may be hiding bin laden. don't forget, lots of countries had people in the twin tower at the time of the airplane crashes, not just america was attacked at that time. i'm sure lots of countries want revenge.
but like i said before, i am not advocating the bombing of innocent people.
I've read lots of posts(not only on this msg board) from people saying that americans should just try to forget what happend and keep living our lives, i personally find that disgusting. I live about 40 minutes from DC, i also have friends and family that work in DC and I don't see how we can be expected to ignore what happened just because the crimes were most likely commited by persons from another country with insane religious beliefs. those responsible must be punished, how can we live peacefully with the on-going threat of madmen dropping a plane on your house just because they think god wants them to do it.
also, if we do kill bin laden(assuming he is responsible) then the only people who will hate us will be the people who already hate us, haha, and they are probably the ones responsible for the attacks.
The actions of the terrorist factions remind me of cults. they will follow their leader to their death, that is unless their leader dies first. besides, bin laden is not the only person responsible, he did not organize the entire plan himself and i'm sure he did not personally crash all 4 planes. Everyone in his faction(again, assuming it was them) is responsible and should be punished.
as for the pearl harbor / terrorist thing, if i remember correctly, pearl harbor happened before the japanese declared war on the US(i could be mistaken, i used to sleep in history class, hehe). so i think pearl harbor was a lot like a terrorist attack because it was done by a country that we were not at war with. Also, bush has "declared war" on the terrorists who are responsible, the only thing left is finding out exactly who did it and then finding out where they are(easier said than done, i know).
anyways, just my opinions. sorry for the long posts, hehe.