Terrorists, gedonaddaheayah

I have to question why the media only covers those in the streets shooting guns when there was so much more going on in Palestine.

The following information came to me from the president of my university who was good friends with one of the ambassadors in the Palestine area.

How many of us have heard of the group of over twenty little girls who went out to the steps of the embassy with their mothers so they could leave flowers on the steps in sign of mourning? How many of us know of the innumerable faxes of concern that came from those people asking if anyone she (the ambassador) knew had been hurt? How many of us know of the numerous people who joined in vigil's to pray for those that had been lost?

We can't make our assumptions on the actions of a few people acting out of frustration. And Islam being a shaky faith? In my opinion it is not nearly as shaky as say....Christianity. The last thing we need here is more generalizations and stereotypes. Remember what happened during World War II after the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor? Tell me that was not horribly wrong and sick of America to do with the Japanese-Americans in this country.
When I said Islam was a shaky faith I meant it was clearly more orchestrated by arabic laws at the time of it's making than the bible was manipulated by jews.
Let's suppose God exists. He comes down, says the word, does the things he does, people see it and write it down. They put in a lot of subjective stuff. They see fit to add a bit more to the "laws" so maybe, some day, they might call upon "god's laws" in their favour. The Arabs were warriors, you can't deny it. Aside from having a developed civilisation within cities like Bagdad, they were mostly warrior tribes fighting with each other. Then all this bible stuff happens, and they are confronted by a new ideology, monoteistic, while they are politeisthic. They assimilate it 500 years later, and make the Ku'ran. Still hipotetically, the Prophet did recieve the words of of some being he called Allah. He then spread the word. I understand all that and I truly do respect Islam as a religion, for it nuorishes the implementation in daily activities things like charity and giving things to those less fortunate. Thing is, many folks from those Islamic countries now under accusation are really miserable.
I know about the wonders of Dubai. It is something I see as a distant paradise, like a jewel of the desert. And I know about their policy as far as fundamentalists go. They simply aren't allowed within the cities.
That's why I see this new "war" also as a war between the rich and the poor. Even my country is rich compared to Afghanistan. We're at least blessed with a mellow climate and fruitful landscapes. For a sect like the Taleban to arise, a lot of misery is neccessary. But the world should have seen it coming...they destroyed satues 2000 years old, mutilate women, imprison foreigners. It's no wonder they approve such horrenduos acts as the attacks on NY.
But I digress...as far as Islam being shaky, I will say this...It is younger than christianity and with less volume. Faith is strong as those who believe are. But the weaklings that attacked ny also wore it...
geez...sometimes this sickly atmosphere of global war really gets to me... :P
what really happened with our Kur'an is not distortion, what happened is that everybody interpret the Kur'an on his own desires, but the words is the same word that prophet Muhamad (peace upon him and his family) is the exactly words he received from God, like when it comes to fighting the muslims are not allowed to fight only when there is a direct aggression on them like what is happening now in Palistain, secondly there is strict rules that the muslims should respect in war the are not allowed to kill women, children, old men, injured, prisoners they are even not allowed to cut a tree.

so what those guys did with this airplanes is a clear violation of the rules of war in islam not only that it also enter the category of spoilage in the earth which islam punish, so those how did this don't understand islam or they interpretation of Kur'an based hatred others, those people don't just hate nonmuslims they even hate muslims like them even more. :(
OK Mohammed fucking Chatami (iran) and his sophisticated islamic judgement(sharia) :
§ 110 Punishment for homosexuality in form of sex is death penalty. The form of punishment depends on the judge.
§ 174 Punishment for drinking is 80 whiplashes (men/women)
§ 179 is someone drinking several times and has he been punished every time, so the third time is death penalty.

§ 190 Punishment for the fight against god and evildoing on earth is one of the following 1. Death 2. Crucifiction 3. cutting off the right hand and then the left foot 4. exile

§ 201 a) first time cutting off four fingers of the right hand so he is left with six fingers and his hands

b) second time cutting off the left foot of the thief, cutting off half of the foot so he can still use it (sorry my english on that one wasn't precise can't find me dictionary)

c)third time lifelong imprisonment

d)4th time if he is stealing in prison death penalty

(blood money for a killing)
§ 297 the blood money for a muslim man consists of one of the following points however they can't be combined

1) hundred camels that are well and not too meagre
2) two hundred cows that are.....
3) one thousand wether that are.......
4) two hundred exquisit garments
5) one thousand Dinar each of one Meskal (form of measurement) of gold

and so on and so on

oh i found something else
death penalty through stoning

§ 104 the stones mustn't be so big that one or two could be lethal and they shouldn't be so small that they could no longer be regarded as stones

sorry for not having any tolerance for the islamistic fundamentalist and for example the turks who stayed dumb all the centuries just because they thought their religion told them so
I can’t agree with you there Bob; it seems that every religion has archaic laws. The Bible states that children who disrespect their parents should be stoned.(there is a ton of them) The issue is not the religion itself but how people interpret it. People often distort the intent of religion to justify their own actions. People use the term “the Word of God” to describe something as absolute truth and they often forget that words are a human invention. O.K. I don’t want to get into this too much because I could go on forever, but to sum everything up…I don’t believe that the faith of Islam is in any way responsible for these actions.
right but i don't believe that our supreme chancelor is going to get me stoned no matter what i do. Modern courtrooms don't relay that much on Moses way of punishment anymore. Chatami strictly proceeds by the sharia as well as this little country west of russia (don't know how you spell it in english but in germany we call it Tschetschenien). Further to that inhuman form of judgement they declared the Jihad (holy war) to russia. Why not, everyone hates communists? ooops guess i'm being sarcastic again

(i know i know mr Bush is also fast on that death penalty lane and there ain't that much difference between several forms of dying however i'd prefer injection to looking at some fucked up and totally crazed Mullahfuckers crying out "Allahu Akbar")

oh i forgot peaceloving michael Tyson is also a muslim and i'm gonna wash out my mouth with soap now fer my gibberish

i must admit that i'm not too familiar with the positivity that the islam provides and if it actually can lead to a peaceful life
i always combine Religion itself with these famous chinese words "Religion is poison".
I just want to add that religion scares the hell out of me... :(

and I'm damn glad that Sweden no longer is an officially Christian country! They severed the church from the state a few years back...
um... i didn't mean that religion has anything to do with this. i have problems with the integration of any church & state, but for the record, despite bob's interjection of humor (those were jokes, right?), that religion is NOT responsible for the WTC attack, or any other human action.
um... i didn't mean that religion has anything to do with this. i have problems with the integration of any church & state, but for the record, despite bob's interjection of humor (those were jokes, right?), that religion is NOT responsible for the WTC attack, or any other human action.

humans are responsible for human actions right?
but somebody told me that man made religion....the audacity of this heathen! ;)
There are many hate in the heart of the people of Near Orient
Only a carnage will finish it. But a dont like the war.
In my country,Spain, there are terrorists,nationalist of a comunity. All the country hate these terrorist. They put bombs in the cars of mayors, police,judge, older politics... or shoot in the head to the opposite party. But they dont killself,they run and hide deeply,because there are people that support the ideas...
I just want to add that religion scares the hell out of me... :(

and I'm damn glad that Sweden no longer is an officially Christian country! They severed the church from the state a few years back...

Wow how recently was that! It’s hard for me to believe that Sweden would have an official religion well into….oh say…the ’90’s. Technically the U.S. has never had an official religion, although Christianity is predominant.

On a side note, what the hell is so scary about religion? People have institutions for everything; law, government, economics, and (inevitably) spirituality. So why the hell are so many people so squeamish about religion? If there is anything that scares me, it’s the dark recesses of the human soul that is capable of violence and hatred. People will always subconsciously incorporate these things into their institutions as well as everything they do. (no matter how good the initial intentions are) Although religion isn’t perfect, it alows us to see into other people's hearts to some extent. I find that comforting.
I'm going to show my faith to my all-forgiving peace-loving god by killing innocent people! woohoo! wait a minute... that doesn't make sense! oh my god! none of this makes sense! it's all a lie! I'm living a lie! noooooooo!
well, sorta.
kill all who kill, spare all who are innocent, jail those who break laws. it's as simple as that.
shite you got me i had some jokes in between fletch but

these paragraphs from the sharia, this book that is actually used today i translated them word for word (from a german translation i might add [hope it wasn't a recipe for pancakes in the first place])