The Last Guardian


Staff member
Trailer was leaked tonight, currently titled Project Trico, or the third in the Team ICO lineup.

I bought a PS2 for Shadow of the Colossus, and goddamnit, now I have to buy a PS3... Seeing the contents of the trailer confirmed a rumor I'd heard a year or so ago -- it combines elements of ICO and SotC. Looking forward to it, DESPITE the heartwarming music played throughout!  :slan:
From NeoGAF:
Originally Posted by Amir0x:
This is early test footage from well over a year ago that was shown internally. This is not a trailer that would be shown at E3. This is not an indication that the game will be shown at this year's E3, or even this year's TGS.

This is just that test footage. All it confirms is that the game exists (duh!), and that it features a boy and a birdrat colossus that aids him.

The Music is from MILLER'S CROSSING, a 1990's Coen Brothers movie. Just a placeholder.

Yeah, my PS3 is chomping at the big for this.
I can't wait for this game! Sadly, I've never played Ico before. Recently I bought SotC just to give me a game to kill some time with. It ended up rocking my world. I loved it all. The Colossi. The architecture of the buildings. The story. The strategies. It was such a mind-blowing experience. It's as if someone boasted that games needed to be long and confusing to be complex, beautiful, and epic... And then Team ICO just looks at them and says," Oh yeah? Watch this." I can't wait to see what they have in store with this next game. Hopefully I can find Ico for cheap before it comes out so I can "catch up" per se.

I was hoping the boy in the "trailer" would have horns, but that may be played out, I suppose.
extremely pumped.

I've been waiting for one or two more games that might force me to get a next gen system. I hope this is it.
Looks pretty cool. The bird-rat creature is a bit weird, but I'm pretty sure by the time the game ends the possibility of its death will be heart-wrenching.
Aazealh said:
Looks pretty cool. The bird-rat creature is a bit weird, but I'm pretty sure by the time the game ends the possibility of its death will be heart-wrenching.

I was going to post something like that. It's so obvious that the adorable creature is going to die during the game.
NightCrawler said:
I was going to post something like that. It's so obvious that the adorable creature is going to die during the game.
You're a real fun guy, you know that?
NightCrawler said:
I was going to post something like that. It's so obvious that the adorable creature is going to die during the game.

I forgot while watching the trailer, that this game is made by the people that brought us Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, but now I remember, yes he's probably going to die. THANKS. :azan:
Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
I forgot while watching the trailer, that this game is made by the people that brought us Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, but now I remember, yes he's probably going to die. THANKS. :azan:

Yorda didn't die.
Aazealh said:
Wander kind of did, though. =)
No way, he just
ended up as a creepy baby being coddled and likely breast-fed by his beloved. That's no death in my book.

Anyway guys, I'm sure there's more to this game than we've seen so far. The castle alone looks very suspect to me, since it resembles the one in ICO so much, I tend to think its a prop or placeholder for what's to come.
Walter said:
No way, he just
ended up as a creepy baby being coddled and likely breast-fed by his beloved. That's no death in my book.

Haha well I see it as a little death. The baby probably didn't grow up to be just like Wander was. SotC has less of a happy ending than ICO does, to me.
Walter said:
Ok, you've got me there. That beach scene in ICO was so cute :casca:

Watermelons! ICO is such a great game. The core game mechanics themselves are beautiful.
Aazealh said:
Watermelons! ICO is such a great game. The core game mechanics themselves are beautiful.

Yeah. For me ICO was the better of the two.

Did anyone else notice that in the beginning of the video the bird-kitten-dog had a spear in it's neck with blood around it, later on you could see it is covered in arrows. :sad:

The game its self looks like it's going to have a large mix of both SOTC and ICO.
Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
The game its self looks like it's going to have a large mix of both SOTC and ICO.
Walter said:
Seeing the contents of the trailer confirmed a rumor I'd heard a year or so ago -- it combines elements of ICO and SotC.

Did anyone else notice that in the beginning of the video the bird-kitten-dog had a spear in it's neck with blood around it, later on you could see it is covered in arrows. :sad:
Yep. And if you look closer, you can see it has the beginnings of horns too :isidro: And though it's clearly an amalgamation of animals, the face looks like a cat to me.

Looking back through it a few times, I notice some odd discrepancies that indicate to me that the final product won't look like this. Check the polycount on the child. It's like a PS2 model. Not criticising, just saying it doesn't look complete. Oh yeah, and I'm really glad to hear this isn't the actual music either :carcus:
Walter said:
And though it's clearly an amalgamation of animals, the face looks like a cat to me.

It really just looks like a possum-griffin to me (trust me, I had two for pets as a kid, possums, not griffins =). Which is pretty unique, I can't think of any other games featuring such a prominent opossum.

Walter said:
Looking back through it a few times, I notice some odd discrepancies that indicate to me that the final product won't look like this. Check the polycount on the child. It's like a PS2 model. Not criticising, just saying it doesn't look complete.

Yeah, it was definitely uneven, some stuff looked cinematically real, other things, like the closeup of the boy, looked like the PS2. I'm sure it'll all lean towards the former in the finished product.

Walter said:
Oh yeah, and I'm really glad to hear this isn't the actual music either :carcus:

You're being too hard on the filler music, it's no "Roar of the Earth", but it's not like what was happening in the trailer didn't match the mood if you want to complain about that. The way you were talking about it before, I thought it was going to sound like something out of Teletubbies, not the Coen Brothers. =)
Aazealh said:
Yorda didn't die.

Actually she did actually die. The scene on the beach is just a dream Ico has while on the boat. There was an interview Ueda did for 1up that confirmed it. She died, and said her goodbyes as a spirit before Ico's ship sailed off.

Either way, I'm eager to see what they show at E3 (this trailer is actually from almost a year ago, as I understand it, it just never was made public).

It'll also be nice to dust off the PS3. I bought it for MGS4, and haven't played it since.
Wereallmad said:
Actually she did actually die. The scene on the beach is just a dream Ico has while on the boat. There was an interview Ueda did for 1up that confirmed it. She died, and said her goodbyes as a spirit before Ico's ship sailed off.

Ah, you probably mean this: said:
1UP: In regards to the Japanese version of Ico, there is a scene after you've completed the game the second time, where Ico and Yorda are found on the beach scene eating watermelon. What the heck is that all about? And in the case of the ending of Ico, some people have said that finding Yorda on the beach or waking up on the beach is in fact the afterlife. I say that it's not, but the final words uttered by Yorda make me unsure of what to think in terms of the meaning of the ending. Can you clarify?

FU: About the watermelon - it's in just for fun. If you say "ocean," we say "watermelon." In Japan, the association of seaside and watermelon is very strong. And the animator came and said, I've made these watermelon-eating animations, so we said let's put them in! And we did. And then, the real climax is the final beach scene, seeing the sillhouette of Yorda; Some people wonder if it isn't a bit too much; but we embrace that too with Ico.

KK: Yes, if there is a meaning, then - what is the meaning?

Ueda: If there is a meaning, then it's Ico's dream. It's over, and it's really over at that point, but in the ship Ico is dreaming. He wishes he could see Yorda one more time. I guess that's the real meaning.

1UP: So Ico "sees" Yorda because she wishes to see him. Not because she escaped from the castle and magically reappeared on the beach.

Ueda: Yes, that's one possible interpretation.

Interesting, I'd never read that. You certainly don't get this from the game itself though.
Pfff, screw that. In my mind they ended together. The game ended on a happy note and that's how I'm going to take it, damn it.  :azan:

Please don't take my happy memories away  :sad: