The Last Guardian

Walter said:
Pfff, screw that. In my mind they ended together. The game ended on a happy note and that's how I'm going to take it, damn it. :azan:

Please don't take my happy memories away :sad:


Just another example of why the developers should never "explain" things afterwards.
Well, Ueda does say that he wants his intentions to only be considered possible interpretations. I see that as license to make up your own endings. Indeed, there was an Ico fanfic that apparently became a best selling novel at some point.

It's also interesting that the beach that appears in ico's dream appears in the forbidden land that Sotc takes place in.
Wereallmad said:
It's also interesting that the beach that appears in ico's dream appears in the forbidden land that Sotc takes place in.
I don't see how that's the _exact_ same beach. It's just ... a beach near cliffs.
My mistake, I was under the impression they were the same. I never actually bothered getting there myself. As awesome as I thought sotc was, I never saw any real incentive to explore.
Wereallmad said:
I never actually bothered getting there myself. As awesome as I thought sotc was, I never saw any real incentive to explore.
I explored pretty much every nook and cranny. There are some really interesting parts that were clearly placeholders for potential new areas, but ended up as abandoned and desolate as the landscape. It's neat finding them, but ultimately unrewarding. As I always say, ICO is a much more complete game in more ways than one.
Wereallmad said:
Well, Ueda does say that he wants his intentions to only be considered possible interpretations. I see that as license to make up your own endings. Indeed, there was an Ico fanfic that apparently became a best selling novel at some point.

Yeah, I kind of took it like that as well.

Wereallmad said:
My mistake, I was under the impression they were the same. I never actually bothered getting there myself. As awesome as I thought sotc was, I never saw any real incentive to explore.

Never explored much myself either, but I did stumble on that beach and while I was super excited for a brief moment, like Walter said it's just not the same. Too small, for one thing.
Again, sorry!

This is a fanart image that made me want the actual game to be this make-up footage. I thought it was a good visual representation of how all the Team ICO fans felt after watching the trailer =P I'll be honest -- I dumped it here for future use. I will inevitably lose it on my HDD.
This game looks excellent, Ico kinda left me wanting more in end anyway. However, I always wondered this was part of a trilogy or something even though Ico came out before SOTC.
I just listened to Podcast Beyond from IGN and they were saying this trailer is at least a year old. So we might get an even more awesome trailer with different stuff at E3. That or we're closer to a release date. I tend to to think the game has changed with that much time.
New trailer was shown about 20 minutes ago.

The title of the game is "The Last Guardian" -- so change the thread title!


I say new, but rather it's the current version of the old one. My fears of the visuals are completely gone. I was blown away -- close to the point of tears I was, just that happy to have real Team Ico game at E3. I won't spoil it, but watch the trailer and tell me what you think!
Uriel said:
New trailer was shown about 20 minutes ago.

The title of the game is "The Last Guardian" -- so change the thread title!

I say new, but rather it's the current version of the old one. My fears of the visuals are completely gone. I was blown away -- close to the point of tears I was, just that happy to have real Team Ico game at E3. I won't spoil it, but watch the trailer and tell me what you think!
Well, it's essentially the same trailer, just with updated graphics so to speak. I didnt notice any new footage. But it looks like they fixed those clunky models and textures I was pointing out earlier in the thread. No big surprises.
Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
There was new footage at the end of the trailer.
Yeah my bad, I didnt finish the video -- got distracted. For anyone who's missed it, here's the HD version. Looks gorgeous! The soldiers look like they're automated or possessed -- not humans in armor as I first thought.

And yes, this is definitely something I'm getting even though I don't currently, nor otherwise would have planned to, own a PS3. Team ICO games are "killer apps" as far as I'm concerned.
Walter said:
For anyone who's missed it, here's the HD version. Looks gorgeous!

I was actually less impressed with this version despite the graphical upgrades (maybe because you can see how truly ugly that creature actually is now =). Though more probably because the impact isn't the same on the second go around of what's essentially the same trailer with better graphics and some additional material. I think you summed it up best in that you got distracted and stopped watching it even though you're a huge fan. Speaking of which...

Walter said:
And yes, this is definitely something I'm getting even though I don't currently, nor otherwise would have planned to, own a PS3. Team ICO games are "killer apps" as far as I'm concerned.

When you're done with it and MGS4, will you send them and the PS3 to me in the mail? You know I'm good to return it. :guts:
Walter said:
The soldiers look like they're automated or possessed -- not humans in armor as I first thought.
It can go either way. It would make more sense that humans in armor would be after this thing to kill it, but seeing how the enemies in the first game were, what you suggested also makes sense.

And yes, this is definitely something I'm getting even though I don't currently, nor otherwise would have planned to, own a PS3. Team ICO games are "killer apps" as far as I'm concerned.
Agreed. There really isn't much appeal to the system outside of this game. I'm looking into just renting or borrowing a system instead.

宮本 グリフィス said:
I think you summed it up best in that you got distracted and stopped watching it even though you're a huge fan.

I don't think that really summarizes anything to be honest, he got distracted.

The biggest problem about the trailer was that it is just recycled video clips with better graphics. There really isn't a point to sitting around watching the same video twice, hell, I was getting up to leave until I saw that it continued after the boy jumped off the monster's head.
Fumito Ueda discussed details about the game in the newest Famitsu:

"We thought we could take the relationship you built with Agro as you went through Shadow of the Colossus and make that more of the main focus of the game design," Ueda said.

"The eagle does not simply follow all of your directions," Ueda said. "Throwing something that catches his interest will get him to move -- you aren't working with him and giving him orders, but you're more taking advantage of his natural behavior. Sometimes, you'll need him to sit still in order to finish a section, but he'll run off on you instead. He's not all that smart, and he won't necessarily do what the player wants all the time."
That is really awesome.

As expected, the game is aimed at a 2010 release. Im guessing that means stateside by holiday 2010 or possibly early 2011.
Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
I don't think that really summarizes anything to be honest, he got distracted.
Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
The biggest problem about the trailer was that it is just recycled video clips with better graphics. There really isn't a point to sitting around watching the same video twice, hell, I was getting up to leave until I saw that it continued after the boy jumped off the monster's head.

That's the point I was making.

Walter said:
That is really awesome.

Potentially... as much as I love it when I can't control the games I'm playing. Hideo Kojima is kicking himself for not thinking of this. =)
Potentially... as much as I love it when I can't control the games I'm playing. Hideo Kojima is kicking himself for not thinking of this. =)
Taking control away from the player in select ways is done to achieve a sense of the creature having a will and mind of its own. That's only going to add to the experience of the game. It's what I really loved about the way they handled Agro's AI and controlling. He had a believable "mind" of his own. Of course, that innovation didn't stop reviewers from criticizing Agro because he doesn't control or react like Epona.
Walter said:
Taking control away from the player in select ways is done to achieve a sense of the creature having a will and mind of its own. That's only going to add to the experience of the game. It's what I really loved about the way they handled Agro's AI and controlling. He had a believable "mind" of his own. Of course, that innovation didn't stop reviewers from criticizing Agro because he doesn't control or react like Epona.

I'm just maintaining a healthy skepticism. As you alluded to, one person's innovation is another's frustration, and there's a fine line between the two. I never had a problem with Argo myself, it was definitely a more realistic "feel" than Epona (though nothing can beat the exhilaration of that first simulated horse ride =). Given the developers involved here, of course I give it the benefit of doubt. At the same time, if not for my preference for them, I wouldn't say it was a slam dunk idea until we see how it actually works, which I guess is all I'm saying. Again, if this were Hideo, it would be a question of, "How painful is he going to make this?" and, in the most complimentary way possible, I think Fumito definitely has a little of that in him too, just waiting to come out. =)