The Last Guardian

Walter said:
It's what I really loved about the way they handled Agro's AI and controlling. He had a believable "mind" of his own. Of course, that innovation didn't stop reviewers from criticizing Agro because he doesn't control or react like Epona.

Well a trained horse usually does react to the commands of a skilled rider unless he's scared or something. He won't just halt for no reason. And frankly I never strongly felt Agro's independent mind in the game. What I liked is that he would choose the right path by himself, regardless of what the player did. That was neat, but to me it felt more like a pathfinding issue than an AI one. In fact, if I hadn't read that he was supposed to do things on his own at times I'd never have guessed it.

I expect the creature in The Last Guardian to have a much more evolved AI.
WoW this game looks amazing especially the graphics but what game these days have crappy graphics :P I cant wait to get my hands on this especially when i found out its from the creators of Shadow of the Colossus and ICO :guts:

First pictures released outside of the trailer's footage. Kotaku also has some wonderfully trite comments about the creature's designs. They apparently wanted it to be a care bear.
Walter said:

First pictures released outside of the trailer's footage. Kotaku also has some wonderfully trite comments about the creature's designs. They apparently wanted it to be a care bear.

Ironically the image of the creature they have in their article is the cutest shot of it we've seen so far.
Walter said:
And yes, this is definitely something I'm getting even though I don't currently, nor otherwise would have planned to, own a PS3. Team ICO games are "killer apps" as far as I'm concerned.
Good news for the Wally man.

Despite the lack of backward compatibility... I'd say it's a decent trade.

Fumito Ueda talks about how owning a cat helped formulate his idea for Trico (the name of the creature in Last Guardian), and how the PS3's technology helps form a bond between characters and the player.

Oh yeah, and he was quite pissed that that Trico footage from before E3 was leaked before it was ready for viewing.

I have to say, that new picture at the top of the article looks very impressive. :isidro:
Walter said:
I have to say, that new picture at the top of the article looks very impressive. :isidro:

Impressive indeed, I just can't wait to play this game because like Shadow of the Colossus and ICO this game will most likely be amazing, the graphics are really beautiful to.
Just saw on IGN that Ico and SotC are being remastered in HD and will be available on one Blu-ray disc. (Think God of War Collection) That's fucking awesome. I never played Ico but played SotC like mad. This is awesome news.
Yes, that is beyond awesome news. I haven't played either of them yet and always wanted to and now finally I may get my chance. Too bad it is still only a rumor but I hope it will be true.
Maybe it's just my problem, but I had a hard time playing Ico after finishing SotC. I pretty much skipped over Ico when it was released (even though people said it was awesome, I just never picked it up) but SotC was a day one purchase. I loved it so much that had to give Ico a go. I liked it well enough, but I found myself really missing SotC and at times it just seemed sort of tedious to me. I can't help but feel like I might have missed out a bit by not playing the games in the order they were released.
Yeah, I know >.> there's something wrong with me. I guess I just prefer climbing giants and stabbing them in the head more than holding girls hands and smacking shadows =/

They were both beautiful games though. I can't fault them for much, just wish I'd played them in order.
Finally some word!
Good that it's confirmed for TGS, but the fact that it wasn't at E3 could be a strong indication that it's not going to be ready before May 11. Meaning, Summer 11-??.
ICO and SotC in HD confirmed... Well, according to Walmart it is!
The latest issue of Famitsu just confirmed it. :ubik:
New trailer from tokyo game show

This shit just got insane. From that trailer I wonder if the boy will be the last guardian of the dog bird creature / species, and the masked beings are Slavers, Poachers, and maybe dog bird is an infant of it species who is badly injured or trapped in something near the start of the game
Aazealh said:
I'm also not very excited about The Last Guardian. I can't say why exactly, but so far I'm just not amazed.
I have to admit, I'm not too excited about the footage I'm seeing either. But I don't think it's the kind of game that lends itself well to these kind of trailers. The game's atmosphere and gameplay seems subdued and subtle. I have faith in the team though, so I'm sure it'll be solid.
Walter said:
I don't think it's the kind of game that lends itself well to these kind of trailers. The game's atmosphere and gameplay seems subdued and subtle. I have faith in the team though, so I'm sure it'll be solid.

True, and ultimately I have faith in the team as well.
Another video from the HD version of ICO and SotC. Sorry, couldn't find the SotC thread =(.
Nomad said:
Another video from the HD version of ICO and SotC. Sorry, couldn't find the SotC thread =(.

To be honest I'm not impressed by the HD makeover.