With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
That was anything but a breath of the wild.![]()
Zelda II: Death Breath
That was anything but a breath of the wild.![]()
Short haired Zelda is super cute, it would be nice if she got a more active role in this game.
I wouldn't say it's a foregone conclusion.I'm not looking forward to Ganon being the main villain again, if that is him, I doubt it would be anyone else covered in those Gerudo symbols.
This at least gives them the oppurtunity to iron out the kinks from the previous installment. A focus on more creative dungeons and a more balanced weapons system would be greatley appreciated.
I wouldn't say it's a foregone conclusion.
It's hard to imagine it being someone besides Ganon without it being so closely related to Ganon as to not matter or be contrived, "It's really Ganon's brother Ganon!" Speaking of which, I checked and it did vaguely resemble Yuga, a Ganon doppelganger himself, from ALBW. My guess is it's actual human Ganon as opposed to the Calamity or Beast form, but something deepening his and "the Legend's" connection to Demise could be interesting. If you recall in Skyward Sword Demise was at the bottom of a giant crater that eventually became Hyrule when Skyloft fell into it. Now in this trailer we see Hyrule castle seemingly rising out of the ground, so perhaps this is the same location... Again, Occam's Razor suggests this is more likely some typical resurrection of Ganon shit.
Story nonsense aside, my main hope is that they can blend what was lacking from BotW (full-scale dungeons) with the fantastic exploration of the overworld they already nailed.
My initial interpretation of the hand holding the body was that it was sealing him
That was also my first impression. That being said, I've always wished Nintendo would go for a less simplistic story. Specifically I'd like if they made Ganon, one of the Triforce's chosen ones, into a tragic figure. The one that fell to the darkness by trying to destroy it alone, with Link and Zelda succeeding (and eventually redeeming him) through cooperation. That's make a great story I think, but... It's definitely not happening.![]()
"My country lay within a vast desert. When the sun rose into the sky, a burning wind punished my lands, searing the world. And when the moon climbed into the dark of night, a frigid gale pierced our homes. No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing... Death. But the winds that blew across the green fields of Hyrule brought something other than suffering and ruin. I coveted that wind, I suppose."
Material like this combined with the role and goal reversal of Ganon being the one that wants to use the Triforce to save/restore Hyrule is probably about as clever and subversive as Nintendo is going to get. Since then they've made him either a generic thug or like a malevolent force of nature (or both in TP). I think after WW the best portrayals have been OoT, where he wore pure villainy well, Zelda 3, mainly based on his backstory, deceptions and accomplishments, and BotW for just making him some abstract evil Satan/Sauron. In TP he was a better tease than reveal. In SS they didn't even bother to establish him, which is why I kind of wish they'd explore that further and better tie it to Ganon's mythology. If he can't be a complex character with complicated or even contradictory motivations, they can at least make him evil as hell, which is why I prefer the divine personification non-portrayel in BotW to the couple that directly precede it.
Yeah my favorite versions are probably Zelda 3 and OoT, because they're simple, effective and don't feel out of place. I still think they should make more of an effort though. BotW's lackluster story did it a disservice.
Agreed, felt like that was the implied promise of it. I wouldn't mind if she was the one rescuing Link for once.
At least as some vague, primal existential threat he cast the appropriate shadow and was represented through his minions or sub-forms (like you were essentially fighting against him or his power the whole time, which very directly impacts the final fight).
Plus, I liked the human reaper design for him! It was only when they shoehorned in a big ceremonial pig fight at the very end that I was underwhelmed.
the change with her hair makes me think that it was done to avoid clipping with weapons and outfits.
Yeah same here. And making him a disconnected final fight is starting to feel like a theme (started in TP) and honestly that's regrettable.
I don't think long hair would be much of a problem from that standpoint to be honest.
I don't think they'll ever top OoT with the tower stairwell, the cheesy organ, the fight that ends with him spitting up blood (red too in my OG gold edition =), then the castle crumbling and him flying out like a pissed off Superman to transform into a Souls boss a decade before its time. I still can't believe how good the atmospheric lightning was for N64.
Yeah, it's an interesting thought but I think Link's hair is longer and plus many of the hats and outfits came with their own custom hair style (if she's playable some outfits may very well have long hair). I took the hair as a thematic symbol that Zelda is being more active and out in the field here, dressed for action, which would seem to indicate this will continue to be the case because she didn't need to have short just hair for that scene. She's also dressed very similarly to Link, obviously.
not sure if they stated that this was a direct sequel to BotW or not.
Aonuma: When we released the DLC for Breath of the Wild, we realized that this is a great way to add more elements to the same world. But when it comes down to technical things, DLC is pretty much data—you’re adding data to a preexisting title. And so when we wanted to add bigger changes, DLC is not enough, and that’s why we thought maybe a sequel would be a good fit.
Schreier: Was this sequel originally planned as DLC?
Aonuma: Initially we were thinking of just DLC ideas, but then we had a lot of ideas and we said, “This is too many ideas, let’s just make one new game and start from scratch.”
It literally says that text at the end of the video
Some info on the game's ideation from Aonuma:
For what it's worth, I found the DLC quite boring specifically because, as Aonuma said, it was limited in what it could do.
Yeah, like get rid of the Master Sword altogether and force you scavenge ALL the time! This was a feature as far as I'm concerned; fuck your set it and forget it or upgrades only weapons systems, you can get that in any other game. =)
And while I'd also like more dungeons or even a robust Underworld mirroring the surface (that may be too much to hope for), but I will say that between the 100+ Shrines, especially the big mazes and special ones, Devine Beasts, and Hyrule Castle it wasn't exactly lacking in dungeons, it just didn't match the... breadth of the wild above.![]()
Plus, I liked the human reaper design for him! It was only when they shoehorned in a big ceremonial pig fight at the very end that I was underwhelmed. Basically, he was impressive through his presence, he was nowhere and everywhere, and the act of fighting him in various ways and forms at least.