Your most hated words

I found an article where some group tried to predict what words people were sick of and would stop using. So I decided to create a thread for people to post words that they never want to hear again. Here are mine:

epic fail
job creator
for the win
buzz (media attention)
politically correct/incorrect
out of touch
the american people (when projecting your personal opinion or trying to homogenize a nation of over 300 million)
natural (when describing food products)
family values
small town values

What are yours?
politically correct/incorrect
any word that someone add's a z to the end for no good reason, lulz, oh noez,etc.
double negative (seriously, to me that mean's literally nothing).

Probably more but I need to think for a little while before I can think of them all. :void:
"Epic" has been rubbing me very badly since its rise to fandom these past years. Epic is reserved for poems of mortal men defying gods and bedding goddesses, and killing suitors with nothing but a bow and arrow. Not stupid skateboard jumps.
Handmade_lion said:
"Epic" has been rubbing me very badly since its rise to fandom these past years. Epic is reserved for poems of mortal men defying gods and bedding goddesses, and killing suitors with nothing but a bow and arrow. Not stupid skateboard jumps.
I'm guilty of saying 'epic' a lot. I guess I'm easily amazed(?)! Given the same token, are you ok with words like 'cool' or 'sweet' or 'awesome' being used often in comparison to 'epic'.
I notice a lot of people saying "I seen that movie" or "I seen that yesterday". It's annoying and so many people talk like that.
Kawaii and Desu. I'm not sure if this really fits in since it's Japanese, but GOD DAMN IT, I'm sorry but whenever some little nerd thinks its cool to use the two Japanese words everyone knows, I just want to slap him back and forth.
IncantatioN said:
Given the same token, are you ok with words like 'cool' or 'sweet' or 'awesome' being used often in comparison to 'epic'.

Ideally I do try to say awesome, or badass for things that rate/scale in above just "neat." It is usually one of the two. I'm also trying to do some lesser knowns like "That's impressive," "Pretty amazing," "Incredible," "Phenomenal," "Alphanumeric," etc. The latter is seldom understood, though.
the "arrow to the knee" thing, is the most annoying, unfunny, internet meme ever. And it was all of that since the first day it was born.
Groovy Metal Fist said:
family values
small town values

The folks!

Main street (especially vs. wall street).

Handmade_lion said:
"Epic" has been rubbing me very badly since its rise to fandom these past years. Epic is reserved for poems of mortal men defying gods and bedding goddesses, and killing suitors with nothing but a bow and arrow. Not stupid skateboard jumps.

I use the word epic a lot, but I think it's usually to describe things of the purportedly epic properties you allude to; the literal epic quality or scope of something, not just using it as a base exclamation (though if a skateboarder jumped off a cliff, that's fair use =). I don't really have a problem with it otherwise though, and awesome has become just as or more abused, myself included.
The word revolutionary, it's so overused now, everything seems to be called revolutionary. "The internet was revolutionary" Sure I can agree with that. "3D TV's are revolutionary :troll: " Oh you mean the mixture of two already existing things, that neither improves anything of significance or innovates since the concept of 3D has already been done, so basically a gimmick. Sure... :azan:
My main bugaboo is "real quick." Not so much for the grammatical incorrectness, but just the sound it makes when people say it. It just drives me nuts, not sure why.

Another is "mancave." Unless the man is living in an actual cave, I don't wanna hear about it. :puck:
I have a new one for you guys, overheard while listening to CES people chat about the first day of the show:

Walter said:
"I could care less."

Really? You COULD care less? So you actually DO care, a little?

What if they use the correct form, "I could not care less?"

Grail said:
Another is "mancave." Unless the man is living in an actual cave, I don't wanna hear about it. :puck:

Same here, it's always rung hollow, like something a beer company ad agency invented.

Walter said:

Ewwwww. That must be these guys (check the comments =).
All 4chan-speak.

"Erry" as a substitute for "every." "No homo." Uncalled for all caps. Adding "bro" on the end of everything. Immortal sarcasm. There's plenty.

Also, adolescent girls who ask, particularly males, with this starter: "Do you want to do me a favor?" "You wanna do me a HUGE favor?" and then proceed to ask you what they want you to do.
I just found this article related to the use of the word 'natural' as a marketing term:
Not natural does not necessarily mean bad. Selective breeding, cooking, refrigeration, and various non-feces based fertilizers aren't natural either. I would much rather just know the actual process of preparing the food instead trying to place an imprecise label on it.

A few more I forgot:
mandate (man date)
fail (as a noun or interjection)
fierce (as a fashion term)

I don't hate the word, I just think it's probably the root of all this. We just hate people. :griffnotevil:
Any kind of bro-speak. Including, but not limited to, subtle tones of homophobia and assertions of surprisingly fragile masculinity.

Girls who say "like" in rapid succession when explaining something.

More to come soon!