Your most hated words

Griffith said:
Yeah, but racial profiling is already a largely pejorative phrase that has a few different technical meanings, including overt and covert racism. It's not a whitewashed euphemism any more than a lot of terminology used in critical race theory, like racialization. That's actually an example of you trying to manipulate public opinion through words. =)

I do believe this is the conversational equivalent of a haymaker right to the jaw. Boom! One shot knockout! :guts:
"Badass" and "manly" - overused by childish action fans.

The phrase "Do right by him/her" - Used to the absurd extreme in Keith Giffen's rape of the Battle Royale manga.

"Agenda" - Especially when it's combined with Atheist, Anti-Christian, Satanistic, Ungodly, etc.

"Propaganda" - used to describe all opposing views.

"Brainwashing" - see above...

"WAKE UP" - Conspiracy morons, who can't understand why people won't take David Icke seriously write this in block letters at the end of all their messages.
It's not really a word, but I hate when people say that good looking images or videos on the internet are making them come. "I just jizzed all in my pants." "That gave me a huge boner." "I'M GOING TO JIZZ!" (straight from the youtube comments of a Berserk video)

Seriously? Does HD really turn you on? I don't get this.

EDIT: From TheDigitalSin's upload of the first ten minutes of the movie.

Handmade_lion said:
It's not really a word, but I hate when people say that good looking images or videos on the internet are making them come. "I just jizzed all in my pants."

A friend dragged me into a movie by that name. It is the movie industry's signature lazy word that they stamp on to movie titles because it sounds cool fits everything.

Merriam Webster's Definition:

1: an historical account of events arranged in order of time usually without analysis or interpretation <a chronicle of the Civil War>

2: narrative

I didn't hate the movie though.

Everytime someone tries to make me seem like some little boy in an argument and calls me "hun" too I immediately presume he's like those middle aged homosexual pedophiles that say they're a woman in RuneScape
When people call their MMO character a "toon." Jesus, it just gets to me badly. A lot of MMO jargon just irks me but that one the most. Especially if it, for some reason, gets extended to single player games.

Since this is a good thread for this, have you ever said anything ironically, in a group of friends maybe, that you ended up starting to use unironically without meaning to? At some point in high school my friends and I would say "lol" out loud jokingly at times. Next thing I knew it some of them would legitimately chuckle a bit and then say "lol." It was such a "how did this happen to us?" moment.
Ugh. I have this one kid at work who is constantly saying "lulz" whenever he laughs or just to acknowledge a joke. I want to punch him in the tooth every time. He's so casual about it too. No shame whatsoever.
"jail Break" I really just don't care how you use your stupid android.

My friend whom acts like he has the world at his finger tips with his fucking android went on a two hour rant about how he's getting all these roms and emulators on his Kindle or whatever. Pain painstakingly I have to listen to his trail and error, the entire time wondering where in the history of our friendship did I let on to him that even cared. He bought "blue tooth" controllers to play "HD ROMs". He fumbled around for twenty minutes on this fucking thing to get controller two to work. All the while the controls were horrible, as game actions weren't assigned to the correct buttons on the controllers... but hey he has 200 NES, and 200 SNES games all thanks to his repetitive use of "jailbreaking." Like he's some kinda hacker in the "know." The entire time I have a both a NES and SNES in my closet, in the box, ready to go with dozens of classic games.
The last time I was in a Gamestop I was returning something and I made some wiseass comment about it, and the guy behind the counter verbally said "lulz." I nearly jumped over the counter and strangled him to death. Wordsexpressions have never bothered me up until that point.

edit: because calling lulz a word is incredibly charitable
Dar Klink said:
When people call their MMO character a "toon." Jesus, it just gets to me badly. A lot of MMO jargon just irks me but that one the most. Especially if it, for some reason, gets extended to single player games.

Hahaha, good one, I'd forgotten about this. I've always absolutely despised it. Always felt you had to be a goddamn degenerate to speak like that. Can't believe some people still do it to this day.
I hate when people use letter ''z'' in words like lulz ,plzz and so on,here's a good example I encountered while browsing one forum.
''dude!!!! can u makez multiwindow mod for our ace.......nd I really appreciate urz work.
...ur juszzz dammn awesome ......nd yeah plz if u canz do it plzz reply soon.......'' :magni:
asic said:
brah and to some degree "bro"

Like in: "nah brah, 2011 was the best year in gaming" :mozgus:

There's something worse here, some stupid gangsta wannabee failed teenagers are using some word that sounds like "brahteh" and believe me it sounds even more annoying with their accents.
Oburi said:
Ugh. I have this one kid at work who is constantly saying "lulz" whenever he laughs or just to acknowledge a joke. I want to punch him in the tooth every time. He's so casual about it too. No shame whatsoever.
After I read the first part, I was going to reply that you should punch him in the face, but looks like you're already planning to. And you should. If you get in trouble, just tell the authorities what he said.

Another one that I can't believe I haven't included yet: Gamer.
Death May Die said:
My friend whom acts like he has the world at his finger tips with his fucking android went on a two hour rant about how he's getting all these roms and emulators on his Kindle or whatever. Pain painstakingly I have to listen to his trail and error, the entire time wondering where in the history of our friendship did I let on to him that even cared.
Ugh. A coworker of mine bought a new phone with part of his tax return and won't shut the fuck up about it. No words that bother me here, just the topic of conversation. He sounds like a fucking salesman. No, I'm not trying to buy a new phone. No, I don't care what your phone can do. That's what I want to say to him.

I endure it.

MrWeatherby said:
edit: because calling lulz a word is incredibly charitable
That'll all change when they put it in the dictionary. :troll: