Gummyskull said:some of the worst are:
"B L E S S"
"300% done"
Walter said:And I haven't heard of any from that last batch of words... Makes me feel old.
Haha me too

Gummyskull said:some of the worst are:
"B L E S S"
"300% done"
Walter said:And I haven't heard of any from that last batch of words... Makes me feel old.
As Aaz said, it's a word that been around for a few years. It really annoys me too.Tama said:Thank you for mentioning 'feels', I don't know why but it really annoys me. I don't follow that many Internet trends but when did saying feels become popular? Is this a new thing?
Consider yourself lucky.Walter said:And I haven't heard of any from that last batch of words... Makes me feel old.
Hanma_Baki said:Seriously in what contecxt are they even used? Or are they used alone just like that?I feel even more silly asking...
UGH I forgot about that abhorrent word. It and YOLO seem to go hand-in-hand.Proj2501 said:'Swag' Detest it.
Swag= She Wants a GentlemanWalter said:In journalism, swag is a real word. How's it being used these days...?
Tama said:Thank you for mentioning 'feels', I don't know why but it really annoys me. I don't follow that many Internet trends but when did saying feels become popular? Is this a new thing?
Saintly pants said:Something that really irritates lately me is "Rape culture". A term that absolutely dominates Gawker the last two years. It pops up in just about every piece posted. It gives me this depressing mental image of a conspiracy of fratty, high-fiving, privileged white "Dudebro's" (another word I loathe) and suit wearing corporate meatballs discussing how to take control of all female reproductive organs on the planet. Pervs are not that well organized. Or numerous. I don't know in what terrible neighborhood the people who invented the term live, but they probably need to find a nicer place instead of just declaring everyone with a Y chromosome guilty by default.
Saintly pants said:Something that really irritates lately me is "Rape culture". A term that absolutely dominates Gawker the last two years. It pops up in just about every piece posted. It gives me this depressing mental image of a conspiracy of fratty, high-fiving, privileged white "Dudebro's" (another word I loathe) and suit wearing corporate meatballs discussing how to take control of all female reproductive organs on the planet. Pervs are not that well organized. Or numerous. I don't know in what terrible neighborhood the people who invented the term live, but they probably need to find a nicer place instead of just declaring everyone with a Y chromosome guilty by default.
TerrorA said:The N-word.
Walter said:Nerd?
Saintly pants said:Something that really irritates lately me is "Rape culture". A term that absolutely dominates Gawker the last two years. It pops up in just about every piece posted. It gives me this depressing mental image of a conspiracy of fratty, high-fiving, privileged white "Dudebro's" (another word I loathe) and suit wearing corporate meatballs discussing how to take control of all female reproductive organs on the planet. Pervs are not that well organized. Or numerous. I don't know in what terrible neighborhood the people who invented the term live, but they probably need to find a nicer place instead of just declaring everyone with a Y chromosome guilty by default.
Grail said:I'm glad that you've brought this up, by the way - we're going to have a new thread discussing this issue very soon.![]()
Saintly pants said:If "Fandom" stands for the type of fan that calculated the exact date George Lucas should have died to save Star Wars from being "ruined", then I hate it with every fiber of my being. Same thing for those who call Miura "lazy". Seriously?
Gummyskull said:Here is a good article written from a male perspective that explains rape culture. It's not an easy concept to accept, but it is important to understand. Although the word has been popping up more often on the internet, it originated within feminist circles in the 1970's.
Gummyskull said:Well, fandom is simply a shortened version of "fan domain" and it's usage has been recoded back as far as 1903.
Deci said:I think that most of the world's arguments could be concluded if people chose the correct language to use, and presented it in just the correct way, in any given circumstance.
Griffith said:I also wonder if we aren't all in denial about the effects of violence in movies, games, etc because like gun nuts we just don't really care to give it up in any case. I'm not saying there's any proof of causation, but even if there was, how many of us would just dismiss it out of hand on principle? I know I do. =)